t talianis

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since Jan 26, 2016
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Eastham, United States
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Recent posts by t talianis

Hi there
Everything I see on the internet says no to planting anything edible on a leaching field but I have yet to hear any permies point of view...(I know no trees or woody / deep rooted plants). Does anyone know what the real answer is?
2 years ago
Hey everyone,
I'm also in MA.... ceramist who took a break from clay in the past 5 years because of what it takes to mine, glaze, fire etc. But I MISS it. If there was a way to make an efficient RMH kiln, I would love to get in on it and do it. I built a downdraft gas kiln before but not a RMH. Trying to understand how to get it up to cone 6, even cone 04 with sticks. Thanks for starting this thread-- definitely into it!!!
3 years ago
This is my first post, and unfortunately it outs me as an oblivious email user.  I never got the scubbly token for the RMH downloads and finally thought to check the trash folder.  It only keeps things for a few weeks before "cleaning".
Sooo, I can't find it.
Is there another chance/ way to get the token?
very excited about it.