Brent Spence

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since Feb 14, 2016
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I have a modern red fleshed Apple called Redlove Era. I think it was developed in Switzerland. I think they have developed several Redlove brand apples.
8 years ago
I don't have My Jewel, but as to other unusual tasting apples: I have an apple from ARS Geneva that is called KAZ 96-07-07-it has a hazelnut/banana flavor and I have Ard Cairn Russet-it has a banana flavor. I have ordered a scion from Fedco Trees called Briggs Auburn-it is supposed to have a blackberry/banana flavor. It is not listed in their catalog or their website. You have to write it in the notes section of the order form. If you are interested in the 2 that I have let me know. My email
8 years ago