Kristen Schroder

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since Jul 17, 2016
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Recent posts by Kristen Schroder

Does anyone know if you can trade out "white oak" when looking at forest garden for "post oak"?
I keep looking for oak guilds and finding mainly different oaks from my Post Oaks (36 on my suburban lot). Clearly, I'd have to ensure that the plants I arrange under the oaks will work in the North Texas heat.
6 years ago

John Saltveit wrote:Most states and some provinces have biodynamic groups. You show up on the arranged date to help make the preps and they make it easy for you. It is a cooperative group.
John S

I would LOVE that. but texas doesn't have an organization. the closest one listed, that i could find, is almost 8 hours away by car in louisiana. :/
7 years ago
Anyone in north Texas (near Dallas/Ft Worth) know where to source the cow's horns and etc. that are needed for the biodynamic preparations?
I live in a suburb and while I like to play at urban farming, no one i know has cows.
7 years ago
i am currently reading biodynamic gardening and am really enjoying it. it is very clear. the pictures and step by step directions make trying things out very easy.
quick question, though, if you live in the suburbs, where do you get your stag bladder and cow's horns with manure?

7 years ago
My garden areas are all under established oak trees.
They get great light from 8 am- 2 pm and then get filtered sun or shade until sunset.
Can I plant the sun loving veg and get results or do I need to focus on shade veg?
Even in the shade, the temperature in July/August is going to be at least 95... so lettuce still bolts....
i had been really worried about killing it, i'll be less worried now.
david, i think you're right about it being the wrong time of year to do anything right now- there are some grape bunches that are ripening as we speak.
in the fall, i'll do some agressive trimming and perhaps even try to root some cuttings.
i have a great, and prolific, volunteer mustang grape in my front yard.
it originates somewhere close to the house under oak trees, amongst asian jasmine. it grew unnoticed for several years until i decided to untangle the vine and stretch it out from under the trees and into the sun light. i propped it up and the side branches have filled in/out. so if you are standing in front of my house, there is a line of grapevine growing almost straight from the north to the south getting 6+ hours of full sun. last year i got about 3 bunches of grapes and this year there appear to be about 7. i know that to increase production, i need to prune it. however, everything i can find says to go to the main "trunk" and trim from that.
there isn't a vertical trunk- there's a vine that i propped up and encourage to grow.
suggestions? ideas?

chris cromeens wrote: I also have everbearing strawberries under my oak forest and they are slowly expanding and even give a few intense flavored strawberries.

do you find that they are healthy and not giving berries due to the shade?
8 years ago
i love the idea of everbearing strawberries!
8 years ago
i'll confess that i don't enjoy eating mushrooms.
this may be because i've only eaten grocery store mushrooms and at this point i'm not that interested in trying.
so these mushrooms would only be around to finish the compost.
i got the idea from a permaculture book wherein the stacking functions suggestion was: food scraps -->chickens -->poop -->compost w/yard scraps mixed & muchrooms --> worm composter w/few kitchen scraps added -->garden as soil ammendment. but it there were very direct instruction points on things like how to gather the poop of free range birds or how to get mushrooms started in said compost once you added the poop.

as i'm reading here, i am understanding that it's because the practicality of mushrooms on compost aren't as instant as may have been hoped for earlier.
8 years ago