Peter Kalokerinos

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since Aug 23, 2016
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Hunter Valley, NSW, Australia
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Recent posts by Peter Kalokerinos

Ours were a total failure. But not due to bedrock....3 years of drought and we used a class A hardwood.....when we pulled the beds apart the timber looked as it did the day we put it in. We're going to dismantle our really large bed this winter and I expect to see the same results. In a brittle climate there are better techniques I feel. I also reckon they're easier to manage in a climate that gets heavy snow and allows a "reset" each year. Without this the perennial "weeds" just take over.

For us, we're better off having excess timber mulched and compost generated in our pastured poultry enterprise.
3 years ago
My wife swears by Hunter boots.

When I went to buy my last pair, the guy said - "you want these, all the underground miners use them" (we live in a coal mining region). They are fantastic. Even my wife finds them comfortable and her foot is 2" shorter than mine. Safety caps too...bomb proof

Not sure if you can get them in the US

7 years ago
G'day all,

I thought I'd post the testimonial we wrote for this course. In short, brilliant! If you have 10+ acres we feel there is nothing like it nor better out there.

“...For some time, we had been investigating a variety of PDC’s and local vocational courses to assist us with our farm planning, development, and management. None of them seemed quite right for our context. None of them could clearly articulate value and what we would obtain at the end of the process. This was until we found Darren J. Doherty, the Regrarians Platform, and the REX® Online Farm Planning Program.

We were somewhat reluctant to sign up at first, still with the bad taste of other courses in our mind. However, upon gaining an understanding of the Regrarians approach we started to become more comfortable and then, after the first week was over, we were entirely sold on the course and what we would achieve.

The REX is structured along the lines of the Regrarians Platform so we anticipated a heavy influence of Keyline design and practical farm planning, which the course delivers in spades. What we didn’t expect however was several weeks of rather challenging holistic management planning, not only for our farm, but our family and entire way of life. The delivery of this component of the course was first class in every respect, the outcome of which is a well grounded holistic context for which our new farm, home, businesses and lifestyle will be based.

Darren’s knowledge and experience provides a practical level of guidance rarely found for any aspect of farm planning, development, and management. This wisdom, coupled with a team of highly capable experts in various related fields supporting us through the programme is unique to the REX.

We’ve completed the programme with a strong sense of purpose and focus for what lies ahead with an entirely different outlook from before we commenced. We feel we are far better equipped to ask the right questions (of ourselves and others) for the various aspects of farm planning and have a deeper understanding of the challenges we face, confident that we have a platform that will support us in our decision making going forward.

Lastly, the community of like-minded people that has been created during the REX has made it truly special and we’re hopeful will lead to many long-term friendships as we all journey towards a common goal of regenerative enterprise.”

Lisa & Peter Kalokerinos, Farmers, Lambs Valley, NSW, Australia • #PlanTrainShow • #AllYourLandNeeds
7 years ago
We're in, really excited to getting started!

I've been rather hesitant of doing a "PDC", just dont see the value. This on the other hand ticks all the boxes, cant wait!
7 years ago
I've been toying with a similar idea. But with a split skillion to let light (and solar access/heat) into the rear of the dwelling.

There is no way we've get 6mil plastic approved here. I'd want a epdm rubber liner
7 years ago

Greg B Smith wrote:Average of 3 to 5 inches per month with winter being heavier.......Heavy clay soil with a little gravel mixed in the clay in some areas. No sand.  Just clay.   Water is SLOW to sink in.

From what I gather, swales might not be the best solution with this mix of factors.

My summation of swales:
- good for summer rain events (big ones)
- good with well draining soils

You have neither. Obviously do your own research for your specific situation, but the more I look at them, the less suitable they are for many people.

What happens with cold and clay? the water sits there and causes rot issues. Several threads on permies about this, have a hunt around.
7 years ago
Galen, I'm certainly not suggesting it can't be done, but in the context of the OP's question, it seems to me the cost of the batteries is a real it comes down to what he can afford and what he really can/can't live without.

We threw huge $$ at ours so we can do whatever we like....

7 years ago
If you genuinely think you can go without modern comforts, then take a look at nickel iron batteries. Last pretty much forever, but are twice the price of lead acid.

What sort of fridge/freezer are you planning? anything larger than say 2 x 60L camping fridges are going to need a fairly substantial bank to keep on 24/7. We kept ours going well with 2 x 200 amp hour 12v batteries.

I'm not sure about the draw on small pumps, but if it is small it'll take forever to "charge" a large pressure tank - if its large it'll do it quick, but the draw will be larger. I suggest you do the math on that.

What about a clothes washer? you need this. Don't kid yourself into thinking you can go without. We did for a good while, its a total PITA.

Dryer? Dishwasher? TV? I suspect not

Power tools?


Moderm/communication devices?

Hot water?

Cooling fan or some type?

7 years ago

Andy Moffatt wrote:trackhoe

Not a trackhoe aka excavator. A track "loader" ie a bobcat on tracks
7 years ago
Tractors in my opinion are a waste of money, especially on a small site like that. They're the jack of all trades, master of none.

We've been tossing around ideas for this and a track loader does most things a tractor will do and many things much, much better. Plus they do less damage given the lower impact track v big tire on a tractor.

They tow better, have a vastly superior loader and ergonomics, you can fit front hydraulic slashers, mulchers etc etc. It just doesn't have a PTO so implements are more expensive. But day to day, a small track loader will serve you much better in my opinion for what you've described.

We're getting a big ~5t 100hp track loader. But they're the same price new as the equivalent tractor and the smaller ones seem equally priced. The secondhand market for track loaders (at least in this country) are better because as you can sell it to construction, forestry, agriculture sectors.

But as I say, check the implement cost. But all that aside, a better more versatile machine in my opinion
7 years ago