Welp, not off-grid and not a homestead...BUT I try to be low tech where I can.
-Speaking of, I can and dehydrate rather than freeze because of the everlasting power needed. I have some of the solar generators if needed (refrigerator and a fan for the wood stove).
-Intermittently do laundry by hand, but don't have a wringer (yet) so I spin the stuff either with the washer or a much faster (both time and revs) small spinner, meant mostly for spinning wool dry. I would like to get a hand washer from Lehman's (Kidron OH, Amish) but the $1400 plus freight is scary. If I take the plunge, it has a wringer as part of the package so no spinning. Watched a good video on using it (Fy Nyth).
-Clothesline and wooden drying racks.
-Electric lights, but have solar lanterns and a collection of around 15 oil lamps for when needed, also LOTS of candles.
-Mother Earth Living, Backwoods Home, Self Reliance...both digital and paper.
-Propane stove, spark provided by an 8 pack of AAs, the first round lasted 4 years before needing replacement.
-Deep well, pump hangs at 375 ft so I keep a backup water storage good for a week.
As I am 70 now, going completely to off grid systems is losing some of its appeal, as well as the fact that my husband doesn't back me up on this. Oh, well, we do what we can!
I grew up on grid, as far as electric went, on a small New England hill farm. Well, dairy and meat cows, wood furnace til high school, big garden,
The longest I've had to be without power lately is 3 days, but some years ago our well went dry and took FOREVER to recover We hauled water