Marisol Dunham

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since Dec 26, 2016
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Recent posts by Marisol Dunham

Augh, I wish the AUD conversion didn't suck so much - I can't afford that changeover for the all access pass. Bugger! This is really great, I hope I can livewatch a few!
8 years ago
*waves from Batemans Bay* We're neighbors!

Rather than a device, could you hire a land surveyor to draw you a map? Then you could lay see through paper over and draw it out.
8 years ago
Sideways to your actual question - how long are the peas left off the vine before you process them? Something I learned recently is that non-sweet peas turn bitter if harvested and then sit around too long before being processed. It could be the same for the fava beans? Maybe try cutting them and then doing it within an hour of harvest and see if that helps at all? That's what works with peas.
8 years ago
Although I LOVE green buildings, I have a feeling I will be the latter of those two myself when I get to outbuilding time - I'm good at sourcing used materials for super cheap, so I gotta use my superpower for something.

I was curious - any chance you might be able to put a picture up of the 'floorplan' for these buildings? I loved the detail but if you've got a quick sketch it'd round out your lovely post.
8 years ago
I really enjoyed reading your progress (plus I got to read a whole year's worth in one go). I have the worst luck so far with chard. I'm currently on round three of trying to get some to sprout/live. One day I hope to make it to harvest.

Has your layout changed at all since you started? Or are you still spot on with your diagram?
8 years ago
Welcome! Finding financial security and skill sets is a hard endeavour, so I will speak from my experience as a 32 year old who has been in a similar route and is almost out of it.

One, I would challenge myself to reconsider what I actually consider a skill set. Hands on experience is, of course, great, but there are so many OTHER things I've found thatve added to my skill sets that have nothing to do with helping on a farm/gardening. For example, learning to budget effectively and teach myself how to fix problems by repurposing in my home are skill sets. The second in turn in particular teaches me to look at things in a new light.

Drawing up a plan of 1, 5 and 10 year goal life plan was another skill set that's been useful. So has been learning to cook whole vegetable style. They all have small skill sets that help pull other skill sets up.

I say this because if I had lots of experience in one area, I would challenge myself to try something only tangentially related. Why not become a paid farmhand on a farm? Something like that will be experience, and a firsthand view on problems you can problem solve for yourself. Or even getting a job and then volunteering in an unpaid spot for a permaculture group will get the both money and more experience. Urban permaculture has a lot of different problems, and are a great way to help.

Because I don't know much about your past, you might have done all of these, so I'm sorry if this is all things you've done. My roundabout point is that none of the choices you make will mean giving up on your dream if you utilise your time.

I would start with a 1-5-10 year plan. It doesn't mean it can't change. It just gives a great springboard to see if your actions are helping both short term and long term goals.

PS - we don't even know what your dream is, so it's hard to specify further!

Welcome to permies!
8 years ago

Alicia Winkler wrote:

Marisol Dunham wrote:I'm currently looking to read up more on the pro's and cons of homeschooling versus going to a school. I would love to hear everyone's thoughts on this. Also, if you have any suggestions on where to get more information, I would love it.

Not sure I'll be able to actually 'home school' myself, as it's looking like I will have to be the primary breadwinner outside of the home. So I'm currently thinking about online school, and just wanting to hear people's experiences on the whole spectrum.

Hello Marisol. Are you in the US?? I don't think I could help much out of the country. Here in the US, online schools are plentiful. They can be private schools or public school online. Either way, I feel like they are both still not really homeschool. Also, neither appeal to me. The whole purpose of homeschooling my children is that I have control over their education. You would have to weigh the pros and cons carefully and decide.

Hi Alicia, I will be in the US by the itme bub is ready for school. He's quite young, not even a year yet.   I would love to hear more detail about those pro's and cons you listed for you. Also what your kids think, too, if they ever talk about it.

8 years ago
I'm currently looking to read up more on the pro's and cons of homeschooling versus going to a school. I would love to hear everyone's thoughts on this. Also, if you have any suggestions on where to get more information, I would love it.

Not sure I'll be able to actually 'home school' myself, as it's looking like I will have to be the primary breadwinner outside of the home. So I'm currently thinking about online school, and just wanting to hear people's experiences on the whole spectrum.
8 years ago

Johan Svensson wrote:I know the isodrän-system of insulating basements use up to 8" on the wall and I'de suggest insulating the floor as well. The isodran is really good at keeping moisture away from the wall witch is important. I think if you plan on rellying on a passive system you can never go too far.

Johan, I looked up the system because it sounded interesting, but everything is in Swedish. Any tips for English information spots?
8 years ago
I just wanted to say thank you for the discussion and the links. Both were helpful as a new member to understand better how to be a good member on the board.