Travis Armstrong

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since Mar 02, 2017
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Recent posts by Travis Armstrong

Yes! This was incredible to witness as it happened!  Peter what are the dimensions of the tunnel or firebox as well??
7 years ago
What kind of system was that running on Peter? Is it a new modification on your batch box?
7 years ago
I live in Mongolia and I'm having trouble getting PayPal to work for me adding a card. I sent the money through another person. How much would it cost to rent a good sleeping bag and sleeping mat?
7 years ago
I would like to take a work trade spot for 4 weeks. I plan to attend the whole 12 days, will this take 500 dollars from the price and I cover the rest?
And to get my dibs on the spot what is required?
7 years ago
This is great info thanks guys! It is something that I'm quite curious about, among many things anyways. Thanks for the replies, I think it's at least worth learning more about because a pond can change so much about a place.
7 years ago
Thanks for the video. Do you have a thread about making a natural seal even if your soil is low in clay content? I have not seen a thread for it
7 years ago
Andy, Ernie or anyone else who's part of this
Do you have any update on what has been happening with this and any other rocket mass heaters in Mongolia? I have recently moved to Mongolia and would like to meet with any of the people involved in this or other similar projects that have been happening, or just hear about where this has gone.
7 years ago