Matthew Bucktrout

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since Jun 04, 2017
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Recent posts by Matthew Bucktrout

Just a quick message to say well done and thank you very much for putting in the time and energy to produce such a wonderful book on flax. I received my copy a couple of weeks ago and my wife and I thnk it's brilliant. We're following our own path in farming and a part of that is already to produce fibre for clothing. We have sheep, sell spun wool for knitting, are experimenting with felting and I have a pile of flax straw which was waiting for the advice from you book before being transformed into something useful. So, thank you again. Your section on your own story rang very true with us.

As far as pictures go, here's a link to our website, which has a few on it, of sheep, horses, wool and trees:

La Ferme du Beau, central France

5 years ago
I came accross this video clip in which someone who seems to know what he's talking about discusses battery types and getting the best out of batteries for solar installations:

in case that gives some ideas
have fun
6 years ago
OK, thank you.
So for the moment there should only be the hugelkultur clip and the course notes available to me.
All the other stuff - the "candy" and "thanks" lists will come along later, maybe in July.  

If all is in order, that's fine. I can well imagine you're busy actually giving the course. Hope it goes well and look forward to seeing it later when it's ready for downloading.


paul wheaton wrote:I just searched the kickstarter database and there is no supporter with the name "bucktrout"

Hmmm, well, what can I say.

your database clearly has enough information to send me e-mails regarding my funding contribution, and send me links to some of the candy...

since I'm logged into your forum, I guess you already know my e-mail address, without me posting it here (though I can do that if necessary).

What "name" do you have for me in your kickstarter database then? I don't remember using an alias, but perhaps my memory fails me (I usually find it easier to use my own name - easier for me to remember that way).

How exciting, database says I don't exist but subversive girbot sends out secret messages to me anyway with links to world domination information. if I was doing it on purpose and knew what was going on perhaps I ought to get a job in the KGB.  
Thanks for your reply Devaka,
looking just a few posts hgher up on this page I thought I'd understood that the kickstarter funders should at least be able to see live streaming instead of a box asking them to pay $200 - just a few posts up Paul said...
   paul wheaton wrote:
   Jane, I see that we gave you access to the live stuff on may 26.  Are you saying that you still cannot see the live stuff?   Have you looked at the thread that contains the live stuff?  Specifically, look at the second post:

When I follow that link, there are just boxes asking me to pay $200 via Paypal. Surely if other Kickstarter funders have access to that Paul would have just said it wasn't operational for us yet??

Only asking because I'm actually physically out of action with a twisted knee at the moment and it might have been interesting to watch some of the course instead of doing accounts or something dull like that!  instead of being outside working.

have a nice day
Hi guys,
thought I'd try again and be a bit more specific about what I can access and what I can't.

So, here goes;

When I follow this link:
I'm invited to pay $200 via paypal to view the content

When I follow this link:
I'm invoted to pay $150 to view the content

When I follow this link:
I'm invited to pay $125 to view the content

When I follow this link:
it's $80

and this one:
is $95

this one:
allows me to view a 16 minute film about hugelkultur for free (no suggestion of having to pay on that page)

this one:
thanks me for my purchase and allows me to download the course notes without asking me to pay (so clearly this one has got the message that I supported the kickstarter project)

I have received two e-mails from the girbot so far, one with a link to the hugelkultur microdocumentary, the other with a link for the course notes. The links to the actual course content videos I found by looking on this thread and when I click on them I am asked to pay for the content as I described above.

Hopefully I've given enough information to help you to help me?

Have a nice day!

Matthew Bucktrout, France
So far I've got an e-mail with link to the hugelkultur microdocumentary and course notes from Tim Barker's part of the PDC as part of the kickstarter bundle, but nothing else.... I have just signed up to the forum following a prompt by "gir bot" to do so. I was then able to download said course notes and see the 15 minute video clip on hugelkultur construction.
Please keep me updated on what I should be able to see and how to get there...
thanks for you good work
have a nice day