I, too, can't abide the Stink of these new soaps. Unfortunately, they now also have laundry soap, that leaves no stink, but has new chemicals in it, to make that happen! Those give me more of a headache than the stinky types of laundry soap. Perfume and cologne are nasty too! So hard to get out of your clothes. I saw others mention Febreze, that is a chemical nightmare for me. Bleach causes me to stop breathing. In fact, most chemicals are on my list of "No, Not in my home!" I used to use Hydrogen Peroxide, it will get a lot of the odors out, but it causes your clothes to start shredding way too soon. Usually at the most inappropriate times and in very awkward places! LOL Peroxide is a great cleaner, just Way too tough on cloth.
I usually just wash with Borax and Baking Soda, rinse well, then rinse with vinegar, rinse with plain water, and hang on the line. But those are clothes I have already de-odorized!
I also get most of my clothes from thrift stores. For the really tough odors, I set them out in the sun for a day or two, if that reduces the odor, I know I have a chance at getting them clean. Then I wash them in hot water with Borax, Washing Soda or Baking Soda, and Dr Bronners baby soap. Then rinse well in hot water. I make sure I have all of the soda out, so it wont react with the vinegar. Then I rinse again in hot water and Lots of vinegar, then rinse again in plain hot water, and hang on them on the line for the Sun to do its wonders. I will flip clothes over ever day. But I have found that if it takes more than 3 days in the sun, then all my washing and rinsing has been in vain. When I say Hot water, I am living off grid, and I do all my cooking outside on my camp stove. I will literally boil the clothes with the soap mix, to try and break down the chemicals. Wringing them out can be a challenge, but I did just get a Lake City Hand Wringer, so I am hoping that will help with the whole process!
I know one lady would boil her thrift store clothes in a pressure cooker. She said the pressure would cause the chemicals to ooze out. She would keep boiling them until all of the Ooze was gone! Sometimes it took 20 times! One lady told me she buys every thing new, and it only takes 26 washes, in hot water and soap, in her washing machine, to get the stink out! Oh My! Talk about dedicated!
It is good to see so many others who are avoiding chemicals! Maybe it will become a trend!