Dawn Mattison

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since May 23, 2019
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I am a newbie to all of this. I will soon be getting my own spot to garden in, so I'm soaking up info like a leetle sponge!
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Roberts, Montana
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Recent posts by Dawn Mattison

Wow, hugel is a huge topic. I have a basic question that’s probably addressed elsewhere but here goes anyway...  When starting a new hugel bed, is there wood that’s too old? I get that recently-cut stuff will take longer to break down, but is that bad?
10 months ago
Hello Ivy,

Please tell me you're starting this venture in southeast Montana.  My husband and I are looking for our forever home situation.  I would love to learn more about what you're doing.
Yes! Baking with GF alternatives is very tricky! But I have found that most recipes use lots of eggs (4 to 6 usually). So if you have lots of eggs to use up, now is the time to try some GF cake recipes! Hahaha!
3 years ago
Is all this talk above about white potatoes?  What are the differences in growing sweet potatoes?  Just how much space do they really need?
4 years ago
My husband and I are recent converts to the wonderful world of wool socks!! After moving to Montana, they were a necessity.  I love 'em!!!
4 years ago
I love reading other people's cars. My current fav is, "Montana is full. . . I hear South Dakota is nice."
I have one that simply states, "OMG! WTF?" So many times is this exclaimed while I'm driving!!!
5 years ago
Personally, I think peace is tolerance and acceptance. If you can accept your neighbor's different viewpoint and tolerate being near it, then you won't feel agitation. Thus, peace will prevail. Seems like these days, tolerance is about as common as common sense. :-P
5 years ago