Douglas Alpenstock wrote:I wonder about those tree roots. Sure, you can cut them back; but I find they come back with double vigour. Disturbed soil equals opportunity. Unless you have a hard barrier, they will suck all the life out of your new bed. My 2c.
Douglas Alpenstock wrote:It looks pretty shaded. Does it get enough hours of sunlight for vegetables?
This would be a good candidate for a double dig -- mixing the subsoil with a ton of rough organic matter. You've already done half the work.
Amy Francis wrote:The 2nd photo is my front garden. The red valerian (garden escape) also spring up from the concrete and very welcome they are too.
Julianna Bolles-Morrison wrote:We have the same exact situation with our 20+year old fig tree. The figs are beautiful the tree is plentiful and the tree is healthy. But the the fruit inside is dried out and inedible. I am finally ready to do something about it and was hoping there was a solution out there. I’m wondering if anyone has had success with grafting? Thanks for any feedback