Jay Peters wrote:Hi Mega Brain,
. Screw the fridge, but I can't live without a freezer...
Louis Fish wrote:
Sam Stephens wrote:To the OP,
You might want to research the Delaware breed as well. I have been raising them as dual purpose birds for a year now and the fit the bill.
Thanks for the tip! I'm loving the look of the roosters. About how many eggs do you get from your hens a year would you say?
wayne fajkus wrote:Are they all the same variety? My strategy is different varieties with different chill hours. I may never get a mega harvest, but i should get a good harvest every year.
This is untested speculation on my part. Time will tell.
bruce Fine wrote:i second the raptor theory, bite marks are singular, look like a beak. redtail hawk maybe would do that
Chad Sentman wrote:The video mentions risk of botulism, and how this is not an issue with BSFL.
Timothy Markus wrote:I guess I don't understand your approach. You haven't seen the video, so you don't know anything beyond the title, yet you are vehemently against it.
Are you saying that you dispose of dead animals by throwing them onto a shed roof?
A toxin that is produced by a germ causes botulism.
This toxin is usually present in dead and rotting poultry and other carcasses. It can also be present in maggots or beetles that have fed on these carcasses. Chickens get sick when they peck at these carcasses, maggots or beetles, or drink water or eat feed contaminated by carcasses.