Michelle Peterson

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since Feb 08, 2018
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If you are wanting to help start an ecovillage in Oklahoma email me at Rosegardner373@gmail.com
6 years ago
I'm very interested in this and hope to speak with you soon.
6 years ago
Fyi many of the groups on ic.org don't respond or aren't established. Out of the 50 + ones I reached out to only 4 replied.
6 years ago
You should consider growing bamboo. I'm posibly interested in being a part of your community. My email is rosegardner373@gmail.com
6 years ago
You took the words right from my head. Whatever community I'm going to be a part of needs to recognize this as truth.
6 years ago
Also, there os a group in Facebook that is looking for land in  the Missouri ozarks to create a sustainable community but im in so many groups it Will take me awhile to find it
6 years ago
Yes i am interested, i Cant do much work physically. Im trying to find land i can live on and eventually be self sustainable. Doesit have a creek or River? Have you looked into micro hydro power? Id líke to discuss it with you my email is rosegardner373@Gmail.com i Will give you my cell number.
6 years ago
I'm trying to find land to share equally with a few people in OK or surrounding states. Somewhere with power and water that allows fulltime trailer living, so I can be by nature and grow my own food, implementing permaculture. I dont have a trailer yet but am looking to get one. I don't want anything to be forced on people, of course they'd need an income, and if they want to use their plot to earn extra income that's their choice.  I'd like to build a natural round house some day. Round homes use way less power and are good for the spirit. Ideally I want a water source for hydro power. I can't do a lot of physical work, that is not my intention. I'd like neighbors who are also working on self mastery, working on finding out who they truly are from inner truth, not from what a book or others tell them.
6 years ago