Paul Deel

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since Feb 19, 2018
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I'm in Newberry Springs, zip code 92365 in Southern California Mojave Desert.  Well water here from 100 -200ft deep water table runs around 70 degrees Fahrenheit.  Some wells have warmer water.  Summertime temperatures in underground cellars with only 2-3 feet of earth cover will normally be around 80-90+ degrees F.
What a revelation it was to me when temperature samples take during a soils compaction test for my earth-sheltered house, showed the migration of bands of winter coolth and summer warmth all within a depth of 4-5 feet before it averaged out.  The 54-60 degree temps I was counting on from underground house texts, just doesn't fit my soil climate.
5 months ago
Just start taking things apart until you have the diaphragm valve in your hand. Then, and only then, remove the 5 screws on the cap.  Be very careful when you take apart a connection made with bolts or screws because there is a fragile gasket in there that needs to be reused. I wet the gasket with plumbers grease or a silicon lubricant.  Not too much, just wet it.
I have never had luck with vinegar to de scale the coils.  Try a de scaler specially made for tankless water heaters.  Home Depot and Lowes have them.  also some tankless heaters must be plugged in and turned on for the modulating valves to open allowing the circulation of the descaler.  Keep the gas off.
A phosphate feeder in the cold water supply may help keep the minerals in suspension as they pass through the coils.  Some swear by the magnetic affect when two permanent magnets are bolted to the supply line.  They are sold as a kit.
Another thing with tankless heaters is to set the temperature low and if possible shower with hot water only.  We used to call them flash heaters and each person would set the temperature they liked when they showered.
4 years ago