My spare (??) Lot next to my main left property line is a sloping area....
I have about 14 chip-truckloads of chips on the property line of my main lot....(now abt 2 yrs old) in this side lot..
To dig ditches with a "ditch-witch" across this area every 4 feet in east-west orientation.... To a depth of abt 18 to 24 inches, the excavated dirt to the lower side of ditch...
The land slopes north (high) south (low)...
In the area below the cleared area the land drops to 10ft. below the property-line highway....And there is a highway culvert for it to pass under road....
I want to reduce the amount of "rain-runoff" by filling these multiple "ditch-witch" ditches with some of my collected chips from my stored piles.... Say to about 3" from top of ground, with the fill dirt being pushed into cover chipped ditch from lower side...., in effect making a swale across the area, east to west...
The lot was "farmed" ( loose wording ) by former owner's father, who poured the fertilizer/pesticides to all his plantings, mainly sweet potatoes and corn...
I have had a few good crops of t-matos, okra, cukes... But a lot of water goes thru that culvert to the wooded area across the road in a good rain storm...
1. I think if I could save some of the water to go into the *water table* locally
2. I think I can add some organic matter to the lot to help me in the future...
3. Any additional ideas

4. I do have some "aged horse paddock scrapings" but I prefer to use those in main gardens...
Thanks for any insights
Joe B.....