Joseph P. Bubile

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since Apr 16, 2018
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Recent posts by Joseph P. Bubile

Thank you for your input.....

   But when you have 4 freezers and
3 refrigerators with food in them, you try to cut your storage electric billing...

I still think going freeze dried might be the way to go....up to 25 yrs (FREEZE DRIED) vs 2 yrs ( CANNED or plain FROZEN)
  And if we have long power interruption, I then have to roll out the standby generator.... Just to keep from losing my stored food...

Again thank you,
Joe B.
4 years ago
   Does anyone have any experience with any type of "" freeze dryers "" like a `Harvest Right'  brand of
equipment... It looks to remove moisture in a multiple step process... Like freezing and vacuuming the
product...versus canning to preserve your food ...
    It also looks to be able to keep your product for up to 25 years with no loss... Wow, canning cannot even get close to those numbers....
4 years ago
I would like to see an operating R.M.H.
somewhere close to me in North Carolina or in southern Virginia....
I am in Winston-Salem....
I believe in all of the information I have read to date, BUT, I'm a married man...
I cannot convince my S.O. ( significant other ) that we should head down this path.....
I do have a "heatalator" fireplace inserted in my masonry fireplace....but as anyone who may have had one knows, they eat wood like there is a never ending supply....
Yes it heats, but it takes a lot of wood to keep it fed, and a large amount of heat goes up that 12 x 12 flue to keep the smoke out of the house....
And I'm getting tired of chopping wood... And LP gas is $5.25 a gal. delivered.... there anybody close to me that would allow me to see their installation, and allow me to bring my stubborn wife along...

Hopefully there is an installation near me....

Thank you
Joe B.
4 years ago
My spare (??) Lot next to my main left property line is a sloping area....
I have about 14 chip-truckloads of chips on the property line of my main lot....(now abt 2 yrs old) in this side lot..
To dig ditches with a "ditch-witch" across this area every 4 feet in east-west orientation.... To a depth of abt 18 to 24 inches, the excavated dirt to the lower side of ditch...
The land slopes north (high) south (low)...
In the area below the cleared area the land drops to 10ft. below the property-line highway....And there is a highway culvert for it to pass under road....
    I want to reduce the amount of "rain-runoff" by filling these multiple "ditch-witch" ditches with some of my collected chips from my stored piles....  Say to about 3" from top of ground, with the fill dirt being pushed into cover chipped ditch from lower side...., in effect making a swale across the area, east to west...
The lot was "farmed" ( loose wording ) by former owner's father, who poured the fertilizer/pesticides to all his plantings, mainly sweet potatoes and corn...
      I have had a few good crops of     t-matos, okra, cukes... But a lot of water goes thru that culvert to the wooded area across the road in a good rain storm...
1. I think if I could save some of the water to go into the *water table* locally
2. I think I can add some organic matter to the lot to help me in the future...
3. Any additional ideas ?
4. I do have some "aged horse paddock scrapings" but I prefer to use those in main gardens...
Thanks for any insights
Joe B.....
4 years ago
Suggestion please....
What is suggested as to the use of
Epson salt when planting new purchased t'mato plants....
QUESTION::  1. dig hole twice diameter of plant height
2. Dig a little deeper, abt 2 " ....
3. Add a tablespoon of Epson salt
4. Cover Epson salt with fill dirt..
5. Place plant in hole to second set of leaves...
6. Remove all leaves below ground...
7. Fill in around plant
8. Insert your support post ( mine is a 6'  ""W"" metal post )
9. Water in well and add mulch..

((I'm mainly interested in the Epson salt placement ))
4 years ago
And be sure to ""tip-tip-tip"" the driver...
Pull a $10.00 out of your pocket before the driver has a chance to leave your property....
You will be surprised how many loads of chips you can score....
6 years ago
The Hobart chopper shown is a new style machine... It will have a bowl of either 14" or 18" in diameter...
The knife shaft rotates at about 1000 rpm, it is belt driven ... The older models of this type of machine had 1 hp / 3450 rpm motors...
The bowl rotated at about 50 rpm, gear and belt driven...
Here in N Carolina they are known as "slaw cutters" or "bbq choppers"
6 years ago

Roberto pokachinni wrote:Hi Bryant.

I take it that the Hobart chopping bowl machine has a rotating bowl as well as the blade turning?  What is the approximate RPM's of the bowl and the blade?  Is that bowl a couple feet across?  

6 years ago
Susan Pruitt....
If you are in NC....near Mt. Airy.
You can get granite dust by the bag in Mt. Airy at the N.C. GRANITE CO.
Last time I bought it was over 20 yrs ago....

Joe B.
6 years ago
Susan P.

have you ever found your RMH ?  I am asking you here because your location indicates we are neighbors (winston-salem)

I just joined this group (forum) ... but I have been intrigued with all things that save me money, and the RMH sounds like a project I might try for the little greenhouse i built several years ago...

I tried a mobile home furnace on propane, no way jose... cost an arm an a leg just for a few months...

have you found any other "locals" that are into RMH  

Thank you for any information,
Joe B....
6 years ago