Paul LeMay wrote:Yes, I am interested in avoiding the steel oil drum design or the steel rocket tube. All brick. Thanks
Hi Paul, I have read your desire to gain info on masonry heaters only but, I think that once you grasp how a modern rocket stove and brick bell is constructed and how it works, it might broaden your prospective and change your mind.
From the outside there need not be any difference in appearance at all, in other words a rocket mass heater is fundamentally the same apart from the rocket engine is more efficient and the whole system easier to build.
I can understand the confusion in relationship with the somewhat dated oil drum designs but that need not be the case at all.
In very basic terms…. a modern rocket mass heater comprises of a very efficient fire box with a door and viewing window that is situated inside a brick enclosure.
The brick enclosure only contains the rocket stove engine and no complex additional brick work, the actual size of the enclosure is defined and documented and is based on volume so it can be made into many shapes to fit your requirements.
So in summery, a modern rocket mass heated, is a very direct alternative design, that can look from the outside, virtually identical to a more traditional masonry stove.