Pete Podurgiel

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since Jun 22, 2018
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Recent posts by Pete Podurgiel

Josh Hoffman wrote:
How does the goose egg compare to a chicken egg?

Taste-wise, they are about the same. Goose eggs are great when scrambled but not so good for pan-frying (they're a little tough).

I hear that people who like to bake tend to prefer goose eggs.
4 days ago
After noticing how dry it gets in my cattle panel greenhouse, I decided to try using them to create a woodshed and it's working quite well.

I made this one using four cattle panels, ten T-posts, a 12'X16' tarp and some bungee cords. Pallets are optional but recommended.  The T-posts are weaved through the bottom of the panels to spring them into form. The panels need to be over-lapped at the T-posts and zip-tied to one-another to keep them in place and provide rigidity.

The whole thing went together pretty quick (maybe an hour). Pro-tip: if possible, stack the wood first then set the T-posts and cattle panels in place. It's much easier to stack the wood without having to go through the ends. The cattle panels are great for attaching bungee cords to or zip-tie the tarp in place.  All in all, I was able to store around 5 cords in an 8'x16' space.

Best part is, it can be easily relocated or repurposed. I like to make my wood piles work "double-duty" and use them as a form of mulch. This method allows me relocate them without much effort and it's a good way to get rid of undesirable plants, such as bind weed, poke weed or briars.
1 week ago
Hi Nancy,

The video below gives some tips on how to take hardwood cuttings. I haven't tried it yet, but he had about a 50% success rate. Seems like taking hardwood cutting from the female (and maybe a few from the males) would be your best bet, but you might also try starting them from seed.

1 week ago
Thanks for the reply, John!

That's interesting to know about the magnesium oxide.
Sounds like I'll have to roll-up my sleeves and dust off my chemistry text books  :-)  ...cheers!

2 weeks ago
This guy has some neat tricks up his sleeve. He even includes plans for the all the jigs at the end of the video and a tool list in the comments section!

I haven't watched the whole thing yet, but I'm really impressed with these hacks:
#6    chisel dowel maker (3:33)
#8    The smartphone bubble-level adapter is too cool. (4:49)
#21  The homemade mini lathe is awesome.  (15:28)

What's your favorite?

2 weeks ago

Nathan McCormick wrote:

Pete Podurgiel wrote:

Two authors without non-personal email addresses associated. Their evidence is 4 people and their case studies. They did not use double blind randomized comtrolled trials. They did not present on purification methods used by industry, since the introduction of A. Niger produced citric acid in 1919, over a hundred years ago. I haven't looked, but my guess is this also wasn't peer reviewed. The whole "unnatural" claim seems bogus and misdirectional, it's about the same as saying yogurt is unnatural or yeast leavened bread is unnatural.

Make of it what you will, but you can add one other person to that list ...the woman that brought this to my attention who was severely allergic to MCA (Manufactured Citric Acid). After hearing for decades how harmful black mold is to our health, I was shocked to learn they use it to produce MCA. I for one, am steering clear of the manufactured stuff.

I think what bothers me the most is it seems just a bit disingenuous calling MCA "citric acid".  Given the name, I feel most people are inclined to believe it is derived from citrus. 'Truth in advertising' and all, it's kinda like calling Rapeseed Oil "Canola Oil" ....I'm guessing "black mold acid" doesn't quite have the same appeal and would a bit too truthy, perhaps?

In any case, knowing what I now know about MCA,  I would like to make my own magnesium citrate   ...any suggestions on where I might find true, food-grade citric acid?   Or can I just use lemon juice and add it to some magnesium carbonate?
2 weeks ago
This is an excellent video by YASUHIRO TV showing how he uses just a router and a circular saw to fashion strong, press-fit joints.
He even provides a tool list and free plans for the jigs.

2 weeks ago
How many miles on the car?

Are you able to 'rev' the engine to higher RPMs in park?

Did you have to rev it to get it to go 5mph? Seems to me it should go that speed at idle.

Did it act 'normal' in reverse?

I'm no expert on Lexus, but it might have gone into a limp mode for some reason. Or could be a problem with the torque converter.
I'd start by checking the tranny fluid level. Does it look clean & red, smell burned?
3 weeks ago
I would advise against using it as a food preservative, as 99% of the manufactured stuff is actually made from black mold.
Maybe use it as a cleaner, but I'd recommend avoiding it altogether unless you know it's been derived from real citrus.


•Citric acid as a food additive is not natural citric acid; it is manufactured through fermentation using Aspergillus niger.
•Aspergillus niger is a potent allergen.
•Food additive manufactured citric acid may be causing allergic inflammatory cascades.
•Manufactured citric acid may be contributing to the inflammation seen in asthma, juvenile idiopathic arthritis, autistic spectrum disorder, and fibromyalgia.
•The safety of manufactured citric acid has never been studied since it was granted GRAS status.
3 weeks ago