vin jea

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since Jun 27, 2018
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southern Tasmania, cool wet climate but not so frosty
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Recent posts by vin jea

Could anyone suggest what vegetables and fruits I could grow which animals (particuarly possums and wallabies/small kangaroos) won't devour?

I already have a possum proof zone, but wish to grow in other unprotected areas, I am considering:

sour/bitter fruits such as Quince, Greengage, citrus, rhubarb

stinging nettle (alot!)

Tubers such as :Jeruselem atrichoke, potatoes, mashua, (and yacon, chinese artichoke, ullucus, arracacha, oca,horseradish if i can ever find them), I'm hoping tuberous plants will be less effected, but have no idea..


5 years ago
is there any climate which is more productive and advantageous? I
5 years ago

My partner and I have been travelling for almost two years in Eurasia and worked on many farms; we learned about aquaponics in Indonesia, in Thailand we were on a few permaculture communities, we helped buidling two houses in China (cob buidling), a food forest in Taiwan, in Greece and Slovenia we helped on small scale farms (where we builded a massive rocket stove!)…

We are looking for a place to volunteer with self-minded people, that are willing to not just tell us what to do but also why and how. We dont mind mulching and weeding etc., but we would very much appreciate a long time project such as eco building projects or establishing a forest garden.

For that reason, we would prefer to stay for at least one month, starting in July, preferably somewhere in the Northern Rivers region

If accomodation is a problem, we can consider camping or even renting a place nearby, but otherwise something like a caravan is just fine:)

Let us know if you have any questions,

all the best

please reach us on
5 years ago

I have been considering starting a homestead, I have basic experience and funds but I am worried that I will end up overworking and under eating...

So I am wondering what peoples realistic opinions on modern homesteading are, what is the minimum amount of hours per day one would have to work to produce enough calories and comfort for a small family. Your advice would be much appreciated!


5 years ago

Does anyone know if I can bring fruit tree rootballs (various species) and vegetable seeds to Tasmania from Victoria?

I didn't quite understand the quarantine website..

Much appreciated
6 years ago

Would anyone know of a farm willing to host me for a few weeks in exchange for farm work? Preferably a traditional farm in an old village with nice surroundings.
I am willing to work hard and am interested in learning about other cultures!
I am happy to answer any questions
I dont want to use woofing because i only want to work on one farm

Best wishes

Pac McCarthy
6 years ago

My partner and I (both late twenties) have been travelling and volunteering on farms for two years, and now that she is pregnant we are looking for a place to live and start a small farm, where we would have the freedom of starting our own projects and aim towards self-sufficiency. We are not so into the esoteric but passionate about living with nature. We have experience and great interest in eco-building, forest gardening, rocket mass heaters ...all this permie crap!     Preferably we would like to stay with other same-minded people in a community/village/area, with communal garden/activities, having social connections without losing personal space...

Could anyone recommend any such places in Europe, particularly somewhere green (after spending some time in sparse dry and hot areas we have come to the conclusion that its not for us) and maybe even with alternative schooling possibilities?

We really appreciate if anyone could make recommendations. Please feel free to ask us whatever is on your mind!

Jeanne & Vin
6 years ago

I am considering moving to start a homestead; could you guys recommend any nice regions, particularly that there is good conditions for growing and a good social network of young alternative  farmer types.. I am considering Portugal and Slovenia, but anywhere in the world really

I appreciate any suggestions, thanks!
6 years ago

I have been thinking about purchasing an almond grove and grafting many different species onto the various trees to create an instantly diverse food forest! (cherries, stone fruits etc.)

Is my idea original or can anyone give their experiences?

What do people think about the idea?

Best wishes
6 years ago