Hi, I just wanted to add (to the recommendation to WOOF awhile), that, in case you weren't aware, there are other similar
online communities ( for lack of a better word) that have different requirements than WOOFER does, & which are more suitable for some. The one I have
experience with is Workaway, online at Workaway.info ( there is something else you may find if you only type in workaway). We have been hosts, & that, at least, is totally free for everything pertaining to using the site, etc. ( for workawayers, their travel expenses etc. are all still on them) . A workawayer helps out in exchange for room & board, for however many days you agree on. Either party can choose to pick only someone who already has had reviews left by others. You can read all about it on their site if you wish, so I'll just add that we have had experiences with 4 who have stayed with us, all last year, & all experiences were great. Also, one of them, who was here in October, (was from Switzerland but) is Croatian & has family there & was telling me that
land is very cheap there & in fact so much of it is sitting, not selling, that the government is going to take a bunch of it back. Her dad plans to retire back to Croatia soon &, hearing about our plans for a
permaculture small farm when we move back to WI soon, was ( via his daughter) wishing we would come to Croatia & do it there. The land there is very much like the rolling hills, & lots of
trees, of WI , sounds like gpod land, the daughter told us ( she was with when we drove up for the weekend to help some family out ). Other than all that, which may not be at all useful to you
... blessings on your search !