J Scarnucci wrote: Not really sure where pizza biz is heading. I suffered a fire in my truck this spring. I built a new truck but my heart isnt in it like it was. Sooooo much damn work trying to do it by myself.
Dale Hodgins wrote:You're a sick man J. But each to his own when it comes to food.
Dale Hodgins wrote:Be wary of deal killers.
There are some things that someone could find out about you, that will instantly put them off, at least in the beginning.
I think it's important that you eventually come clean about every single thing that you think and do. Well, maybe everything except for explaining those porn spikes on your data plan.
For me, this means not bringing up the fact that I live at my job sites, in the first two minutes of a conversation. But, if we've been talking about a dozen other things, then it's not going to even be much of a surprise, since so much of what I talk about is rather unorthodox. By the time I've been talking to someone for 10 minutes, I'm able to easily explain why I've chosen to live at work and the financial benefits of not paying rent, while earning a good living.
Then there's my disdain for certain groups of people. Druggies, drunks and a few others. Eventually this is going to come out, but I don't think the first 2 minutes is the time for a long diatribe about who ought to be killed. Let's leave that up to George Carlin.
Sometimes a deal-killer just jumps out at you. An insistence on being religious is an obvious one for me. When there is something glaringly obvious like that, I don't think it's a good idea to conceal it. Put it out there and you can part as friends.
I've had women present deal killers, completely accidentally. One woman describe a a litany of problems she had had with various exes. Every man she had ever known was no good. So I decided not to join that list. Another told me about her plan to cover most of her body in tattoos. No thanks. But mostly it's much more mild things that tell you when something couldn't possibly work out. It might be something as simple as learning that she believes aromatherapy can cure all cancers. That's a really nice thought, but that's where we need to part ways.
Here's one that should have been a deal killer, but somehow it wasn't. My dad really didn't like to eat slop. He liked food that you could identify, because it wasn't covered in some sort of goo. And my mom is a slop cook. She could take nice steak and turn it into shoe leather or other palatable ingredients, and make them all into a sort of mush, fit for pigs. Dad ate that slop for 50 years. I remember one time, he said "didn't we have swill last night?" That didn't go over very well.
I'm a very good cook, and I think my mother deserves some of the credit. I got tired of the slop.
Nick Marlowe wrote:Thanks J Anderson, I should have worded that better. Yes I knew there was one spring, however I had not seen the boxes, nor the second "Bonus" spring that I found later! Look every day for property around here. I have been a local here most of my life, actively seaching for property for about 3 years now. I was online every day and still missed opportunities for beautiful land just because a good piece of property with everything a homesteader could want goes quick! And believe it or not relatively cheap compared to many other places. Thanks for the response and good luck finding a place.
Nick Marlowe wrote:Hello everyone, I was hoping to find some help from someone who has knowledge or experience of tapping into a spring like mine. I bought 22 acres in Eureka Springs Arkansas and discovered two springs on the property that had previous spring boxes. The springs start at about 1400 ft altitude and flow into a series of creeks, lakes and finally ending in Beaver Lake. The pictures below are of the spring where the most construction had taken place. There are at least three holding/cistern boxes that I have uncovered so far, so my guess is that this spring at one time had good flow. The spring its self appears to seep through the cracks in the different layers of rock. Interestingly enough, on the opposite side of the ridge is the other spring that is at the same altitude. I was wondering if I can hammer a rock bar into the cracks in the rock where the water is flowing, in hopes of creating a larger space for water to flow? If this is not the best way would someone please lend some knowledge my way? I would also like to draw/upload some pictures of the past configuration so that someone could explain how/why it worked.
Future plans for the springs on the property include Ram pumps where applicable, holding stations and irrigation. We discovered almost our entire property is covered in blueberries and I just got several thousand feet of chicken house pvc water dispensers perfect for irrigating for $100!! (Just had to brag on my find!)
Any help/advice or joke is appreciated!
Chris Kott wrote:J Anders, you're inventing political distinctions that don't exist.
Leftists aren't a thing. It's just a lazy way that Rightists (see what I did there? How marginalised might that make a right-winger feel?) have taken to describe anyone not as far-right on the political spectrum as they themselves are, which is pretty much anyone.
A religious reading of recent history could describe the evangelical Christian right as having elected the antchrist, who pays lipservice to their beliefs but holds none of them. I think he is taking the country he is running (into the ground) the same direction he's taken about every business he's owned: bankruptcy. After all, what is the value of all of Wall Street if its all in USD as it takes a hit against all other currencies?
I defy you to show me where in any recognised official document it clearly states that Communists are illegal in the USA.
It is less than useful hyperbole to refer to anyone that holds political beliefs to the left of yours as communists. It is also inaccurate.
I wish people who liked to voice their political opinions understood the other side better, instead of slamming the door on conversation with dog whistles and willful lack of understanding. Since when has it been desireable to embrace ignorance and division over intelligent discourse that brings us together?
As far as i know, the US has its political Left, which sits just to the right of everyone else's Centre, its political Right, whose extreme looks a lot like either Theocracy or Fascism, and Libertarians of every flavour along that spectrum.
The white evangelical right are in decline, which is why they were prepared to compromise everything to elect Herr Drumpf. All they had was their supposed moral high ground. What is now left to them?
Judith Browning wrote:
If you have been following what is going on with Q you will have some idea.
Monsato was evicted from Russia... now they are doing extremely well.
Who is 'Q' ?
Do you mean that now Monsanto is doing extremely well or Russia?
If you didn't already know, POTUS used to be a Democrat.
My opinion is that 45 is an opportunist, never a republican or democrat.
a card carrying Green![]()