I loved your D example, except that the stove must be one of the pictures. This cover let me know much more about what you offer with all the extra pictures in there. The green with thinner black borders is my preference, but I think your name at the bottom looks far better. Your final one would do though, because I understand small pictures don't show up well. However, it might make someone curious to know what the pictures are and therefore click on the cover for a closer look. Best of luck with your endeavor!
Just as an aside, I did a cookbook 10 years ago called "Alive Health Recipe Book - Healthy Eating On The Run" which is on Amazon, if you want an example of what didn't go over well.

I put small pictures of all my food around the outside border on the front page since color photos were at a premium. People just weren't willing to give up their McDonald's and other fast food, so it didn't sell very well. I used Create Space and self-published it because no publisher was interested. Hopefully you'll do better than I did.