Thea Morales wrote:I became a raw-vegan right after my 3rd child was born. I was borderline diabetic during that pregnancy, so I chose to nip that in the bud.
The raw-vegan didn’t last as long. At that time I was taking supplements because there wasn’t getting enough of a few vitamins and minerals in my blood. My raw-vegan friend does well with it, but my omega 3, 6, and 9 were very low. Guess what I became- yep - a pescatarian. I still do a mostly raw, but my fish and poi are in my blood.
Getting Omega 3 oil was a concern to me when I saw reasons enough to give up animal products, and I had been getting fish oil supplements. I am glad since then that I read in vegetarian literature, and I was vegetarian first before becoming vegan, that seaweed is recommended, for benefits that were listed. There is omega 3 oil in edible food from various plants, and minerals in seafood is from minerals in seaweed and the various sea algae that fish and sea animals eat. And nuts provide good oil too. I came to having whole food from plants in early 2016, and have stayed with this way, and just supplement for vitamins B12 and C now. It has been enough, in this locality, but I will start with vitamin D supplements soon.