Mitchell Brouhard wrote:Hello everyone. I am looking to plant a garden for deer. I want to know what plants can handle deer browsing. Even if a plant needs some protection until it's established or tall enough to out compete the deer. All types of plants from annuals to perennials to trees and shrubs. I'd like to do at leat 50 percent natives. I live in the rouge valley of southern oregon.
Glenn Littman wrote:Christopher, my shop is 2,000 sq ft with 15' high ceiling with modest insulation. You're planning 6,000 sq ft. but you haven't given a ceiling height to determine the cu ft. Have you looked at Peter's website and the Building page with detailed specs for sizes up to a 10" system?. That same page provides some calculations for a given volume and temperature differential performance to provide guidance and help you to determine if a single system will be sufficient or if perhaps 2 will be needed.
If you happen to know a plumber that installs hydronic heating systems they should also be able to run a BTU requirement calculation for you. I would think that one 10" system my be sufficient based on the numbers published by Peter. You can see that a 10" system has more than 4 times the thermal energy output versus a 6" system like I am running. With that said, it would be good to have someone with the knowledge to run the BTU calcTulations confirm this for you.
Benjamin Dinkel wrote:Hi Christopher,
maybe check out this triple barrel batch box:
Glenn Littman wrote:Christopher, where are you located? How cold does it get in the winter? How well is the building insulated?
Hopefully, the science guys on the forum can chime in with their BTU calculations and thermal science but they'll need to know the ceiling height and insulation details.
Kevin Olson wrote:
Christopher Shimanski wrote:You don't have to worry about moving nutrients around. 98% of organic material is made up of atmospheric gases. The other 2% is minerals, and those minerals are unlimited. There's enough P, K, Ca, Mg etc in the ground to grow for 10,000 years. The key is having the biological activity to free it from rock particles and get it into plants. And nature does that all on it's own, we just have to not intervene and screw it up.
"...those minerals are unlimited."
True, generally speaking, but not necessarily bio-available. I.e., they may (presently) be tied up in ways which plants (in particular) can't easily access. At least, not without help from all manner of microbial soil life. Whereas, whatever is in the chop-n-drop, leaf litter, pine straw, ramial wood chips, moldy hay or whatever has already been rendered bio-available.
Sometime in the past few months, I watched a video on using Johnson-Su compost extract to innoculate broad acre farm land in South Dakota to turn "dirt" into "soil". I'm pretty sure it was on Jay Young's "Young Red Angus" YouTube channel, but I can't spot it right now (he has a lot of videos on Johnson-Su composting - he has a missionary zeal for the practice). It also may have been on Dr. Johnson's channel, but I'm pretty darn certain the farmer was Jay. He'd had some soil analyses done, and found that there was, just as you say, something like hundreds of years worth of phosphorus already in his soil, and that was the most limiting nutrient for his fields and crops. I wish I could find the video and link to it here, so that I am not relying entirely on my (all too faulty) memory for the exact details. I'll see if I can track it down, and add the link on edit. But the point is, putting down more phosphorus when he plants corn or beans by the acre is not the solution to any lack of nutrients his crops might experience. He has been applying a compost extract from a large-scale Johnson-Su (i.e. fungally dominant) composting operation, using the liquid fertilizer injection apparatus already on his seeders. The extract has all sort of microbial and fungal life in it. He is able to "seed" broad scale agricultural fields with these innoculants to re-establish a living soil in fields that had been "depleted" by being subjected to modern industrial ag practices, with great success, so far. (He's also intercropping and other stuff - not exactly a permie operation in the strictest sense, but I am no paragon of permie virtue myself, and applaud steps in the right direction.)
So, exporting fertility from one place to another, and in this case, by the acre.