Eric Wagner

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since Dec 05, 2018
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Mike Haasl wrote:You don't need to earn 7 more straw badges for PEP4, you just retain 7 of the ones you earned prior while the rest have been promoted to Wood or Iron.

Thank you for the clarification of the language for me.
"By PEP3 you've earned every straw badge."

This was my main confusion. If one has earned every straw badge there is by PEP3 as you said, how can they then earn 7 more straw badges as part of PEP4 certification?

"A formal PEP4 program could take a little over two years (~4700 hours).  Requires 3 iron badges + 12 wood badges + 7 straw badges"

Mike Haasl wrote:The full sentence is that PEP4:

Requires 3 iron badges + 12 wood badges + 7 straw badges (a badge in all 22 aspects).

So you have to take all the aspects at least to Straw level, bump 12 of the aspects to Wood level and get 3 of them aaaaaallll the way up to Iron level.

The thing is, it seems like all 22 straw badges are already covered by PEP2 and PEP3.

PEP2 requirements state:

Requires 1 wood badge + 7 straw badges + 14 sand badges (a badge in all 22 aspects)

PEP3 requirements state:

Requires 7 wood badges + 15 straw badges (a badge in all 22 aspects)

If one completes 7 straw badges for PEP2 and then completes 15 straw badges for PEP3 you have completed 22 straw badges. So how can 7 more be included in PEP4 if all 22 straw badges are required by finishing PEP3 requirements?

If you add up the straw badges required from PEP2, PEP3, and PEP4, (respectively 7,15, and 7), you get 29 straw badges total.

I noticed a possible typo, or perhaps I just require clarification. On your requirements for the PEP4 certification it says you need "+7 straw badges (a badge in all 22 aspects)". If I'm understanding the language and math correctly, 7(PEP2) + 15(PEP3) + 7(PEP4) straw badges equals 29 total, which I don't think is possible.

Am I missing something?

Thank you!
Pop can plant sign submission:
I used copper wire from old electrical lines I took out of our shed, and thankfully(?) my dad drinks a lot of Pepsi.
1 year ago
I noticed this BB is in PEA Sand and PEP Straw. Is having the same BB in to different levels of badges a mistake or just more expected from the apartment dwellers in this case?

Thank you
1 year ago
BB submission for oiling kitchen woods.
They all needed it, so there's more than six including the two handles for a spatula and a brush.

I used walnut oil. Anyone know why it's considered best?
1 year ago
My shirt/rags BB submission:

I had a well-used shirt that was pretty thin, so I folded the sections to thicken them up.
1 year ago
I was practicing some spoon carving and so had some wood shavings along with dirt on the floor to clean up.
2 years ago
I had a bunch of buckwheat seeds for a cover crop, so I decided to try using them for microgreens as well.
2 years ago