Living somewhere with the following characteristics are fantastic advantages when faced with the problem of having no power for extended periods of time -
A temperate climate, huge advantage not to need to heat or cool your home to survive comfortably. Unfortunately, almost all of the USA outside of the west coast and Hawaii have either extremely hot, or extremely cold weather at times of the year, if not both.
Living somewhere with year-round rain is another big advantage for crops, collecting water, grassland for animals, etc
Living somewhere with a significant gravity fed water source for crop/animal/human needs, whether it be spring or a pond, or both if your lucky enough.
If you live somewhere with all 3, a temperate climate, adequate year-round rainfall and a significant gravity fed water source, then you have a pretty golden head start on setting up a property that can comfortably sustain life without electricity for extended periods of time.
Access to firewood and the knowledge and or tools to start of fire would be a big help as well.