Stan saas

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since Jun 04, 2019
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Recent posts by Stan saas

does anybody make MINCE PIE the  fruit  type - looking for home made
4 years ago
didn`t know that   thanks
4 years ago
near the garden and  rABBITS are  hundreds of those  tiny blk. ants  i`m using diet tamacious earth  which works but once it rains  it`s gone  and  come the ants - anybody know what i can use for these little buggers ? - THANKS
4 years ago
want  to fertilize my  plants  they are 3 years old - had good  grapes last year but now want to fertilize  -  with  what  ??
5 years ago
the spelling isin`t correct  but it`s close - is anyone using it in the garden there is also a human  product that i`ve been taking for some time
5 years ago
hey KC if you want to  eat  pigeons i would get  KINGS a real good size and used for  eating  - i know it`s a long shot but  do you know anyone with CHINESE OWLS  had them years ago  and would like to start  them again - i kick myself for getting rid of them.
- in the early 2000`s i had the best on LONG ISLAND  N.Y. -i`d even travel some to get them  - yes  1 pair of birds can get you a bunch  in one season  if you have  pumpers - well take care of yourself  - just in case  my email is  [ ] from good  ole  N.C.
5 years ago
does anyone here  raise pigeons and what type cause there are many types - there is no forum for pigeons so this will be in   chickens
5 years ago