Emily Lorenzo

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since Jul 24, 2019
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Live Oak, FL
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Recent posts by Emily Lorenzo

I'm Emily, in rural north central Florida, USA.  I am a 52-yr-old woman, have always been single, no kids.  I am striving to be independent, but have to be stuck in the rat race just to afford the bare minimum.  I rent a tiny apartment in a 3BR/2BA mobile home that's been divided into two apartments.  While I am happily single after many "failed" relationships (upside: they were all important lessons for my personal growth), I often wish I had a partner.  It's just so impractical to try to do it all alone.  Yet I don't want to settle for less than what I need and deserve, as far as a partner is concerned.  After all, I'm not getting any younger.  A roommate arrangement would be great at this point, but only with a compatible person.  For now, I need to stay close to my job, so relocating isn't feasible.  Plus, I have family here, so I wouldn't want to move too far away.  This is a very rural area, though, great for practicing permaculture on a larger scale (than, say, the suburbs or urban areas).  There is a lot of monoculture here.  I could definitely use more permie-minded friends, local ones.  I'm connected with a few people, but meetups have been difficult for me to pursue and plan, because of the busy-ness and demands of work and life.

2 years ago

Sonja Draven wrote:Emily, I just stick mine in a clean sock. Works great, breathes, etc

I like that idea.  But I would still be likely to store it (in the sock) in a wet bag (which I don't currently have) or a plastic bag.

~ Emily
4 years ago
I have a pStyle.  It's been very practical at times.  It didn't come with a handy case, though, like the Shewee does.  I'll have to buy or make a custom pouch for it, rather than the less-than-desirable clear plastic baggie that I currently use for it.
5 years ago
That was beautiful to read.  Blessings to you, sister!
5 years ago