Roger Bells

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since Sep 17, 2019
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Recent posts by Roger Bells

Su Ba wrote:Hands down it is Bermuda grass. It aggressively spreads underground. Impossible to completely dig out except for repeated removal over years of effort. It's the only weed I haven't been able to conquer on my farm. I've chopped it, dug it out, smothered it for a year, flamed it, and used several organic weedkillers. Outside of ruining my garden soil, I can't easily control it. I have had to resort to digging down 8 inches to remove the stolon of every shoot I see coming up. That's quite an impossible task when you're growing on 4 acres of old pasture area. It may possibly take the rest of my life to clear my growing beds.

I second that!
5 years ago

Joseph Lofthouse wrote:I grew new varieties of favas. Some of them thrived, some croaked. I love that some of them have patterns on the seed coat.  

The landrace favas that I've been growing for a decade thrived.

They look good. I first thought it was some collection of stones lol

stephen lowe wrote:I'm growing sunflower. Harvesting at any kind of scale requires tractor scale equipment.

Edit to add that I have a small tabletop press that I use to press the oil with. It cost less than 350USD from Amazon and works great. Producing a good portion of your own oil would be doable without serious equipment but trying to harvest enough to make more than 10 gallons or so would require lots of hands or some real equipment.

And for some sense of scale, a 5 gallon bucket full of sunflower seeds will make about 5 quarts of oil

Sounds interesting!

Anne Miller wrote:It appears that last weekend 3/09 the escheveria died.  My daughter said hers died also.

I noticed last night 3/15 that the Hawthornia has developed aerial roots and also it looks like it is developing new leaves at the base of leaves near the aerial roots.

I read that is a sign that it is not getting enough water.  I read to give it 1/4 cup water every two weeks.  I had been giving it 6 T which is more like a 1/2 cup of water.  I got confused due to the time change and watered it early and gave it twice as much water (12 T) than I normally use. The water all ran out and then was absorbed.

Any advice on what to do about the aerial roots?

Yes, it is because the plant needs more water. Make sure you water it deeply. I know it can be sometimes hard to take care of these succulents. Here's a quick guide to take care of your succulents:

Hope this helps. Thanks
5 years ago
My favorite is Aloe Vera for a number of reasons. They look really good, require minimal care, and have tons of benefits. Beneficial for skin and can be used in a variety of other things as well. I have 3 aloe vera plants in my living room.
5 years ago