Kebun Dagi

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since Nov 05, 2019
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A boutique tropical permaculture orchard in the central of Bangka island, Indonesia (in between Jakarta and Singapore). we are growing durians, matoas, cempedaks, avocados, tea, papayas, guavas, lemons, petai, jengkol, coconut, betel nut, taro, vegetables, flowers, and stingless bees. 
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Bangka Island, Indonesia
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thanks Eric,

some varieties are originally from bangka Island (local), some commons in Indonesia as a country (national) and also south east asia (regional). I hope my introduction will promote some less known trees to be recognized as durians, rambutans, and salaks which I believe originally from Indonesia.  

for stingless bees I just started from 2 varieties: Laeviceps from Central Java, and Biroi from South Sulawesi.
5 years ago
Hi Dale,

as Indonesian, I saw some similar pictures in social media but so far has no chances to see it by myself. It is not common practices here. It is merely a creative way of farming to deal with less land ownership (by vertical gardening and poly culture in small scale farming), expensive farm input (planter bags, fertilizers etc compare to the price of the crop).
5 years ago
Hi David,

Glad that you met the guy. I'm Indonesian. My late grand father and my father planted tobacco and also traded tobacco (bought the leaves at field, conducted harvesting and processed the leaves, and sell to bigger traders). My niece in Borobudur (near the big Buddhist temple) still running the tobacco business.
5 years ago

I'm 43 y.o. just bought a 19 hectares land and set up an orchard (Dagi Orchard or in Bahasa called Kebun Dagi) in Bangka Island, in between Jakarta and Singapore.
I'm growing tropical fruits: durians, cempedaks, avocados, matoas, papayas, guavas, lemons, and kedondongs. I'm growing also some local trees such as nyamplungs, gaharu, tea (low terrain variety), petais, jengkols, coconuts, taros, betel nuts, flowers, and indigoferas. I don't know some names in English, google translate failed to help me. In the near future I will plant paddy-rice.
Apart from plants, I'm also has some fishes in my ponds (tilapia, gourami), and stingless bees. Basicly, I want to make it integrated farm. Plan to nurture cows, swans, and doves in the near future.
some of my land was (abandoned) former tin mining pits.

It is a giant step to make my dream come true.
as newbee I have to learn more in farming, moreover my education background was mathematics and renewable energy. I'm still running a small boutique management consulting firm in Jakarta and hired a team to help me conducting the on farm activities.

I'm happy found this forum and eager to learn from all of you.

5 years ago