I'm 43 y.o. just bought a 19 hectares
land and set up an orchard (Dagi Orchard or in Bahasa called Kebun Dagi) in Bangka Island, in between Jakarta and Singapore.
I'm growing tropical fruits: durians, cempedaks, avocados, matoas, papayas, guavas, lemons, and kedondongs. I'm growing also some
local trees such as nyamplungs, gaharu, tea (low terrain variety), petais, jengkols, coconuts, taros, betel nuts, flowers, and indigoferas. I don't know some names in English, google translate failed to help me. In the near future I will plant paddy-rice.
Apart from plants, I'm also has some fishes in my ponds (tilapia, gourami), and stingless
bees. Basicly, I want to make it integrated farm. Plan to nurture cows, swans, and doves in the near future.
some of my land was (abandoned) former tin mining pits.
It is a giant step to make my dream come true.
as newbee I have to learn more in farming, moreover my education background was mathematics and renewable
energy. I'm still running a small boutique management consulting firm in Jakarta and hired a team to help me conducting the on farm activities.
I'm happy found this forum and eager to learn from all of you.