Pamela Baldwerm

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since Dec 17, 2019
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Recent posts by Pamela Baldwerm

Very neat! We just bought property up a slough and I am considering oyster (mollusk not fungi...wait! maybe fungi too) cultivation along the shore. The freshwater input would be much higher in the winter due to increases in the rain and creek levels so they may not be able to reproduce but I think it will be fun to try; even if they are just surviving they could be pulling contaminants out of the runoff from agriculture in our watershed.
3 years ago

bruce Fine wrote:ive come across a non poison possible solution for bugs and pests, its called "tanglefoot" its made by the folks at miracle grow and quite a long and storied history and they have a few different products of which one might be helpful for you

So my current solution, along with removing them all rolled up in the morning, was to wrap the trunk with ducktape facing outward but pretty tightly to impede them from getting to it. Working great except now they are attacking the roots so I will throw a tiny bit of diatomaceous earth to seal the deal.  
3 years ago
I just got a new citrus to grow indoors and the sow bugs have been gnawing on the bark and making sap come out
Anyone got any suggestions of something I could put around the tree or spray it with to slow the buggers down?

Thanks in advance! Any advice would be appreciated
3 years ago

Ralph Sluder wrote:  I release mine a few weeks after my last frost date.  Temperatures need to stay above 55 or so and many trees and plants are flowering/ buds opened.
   It is better to wait if you think some more cold weather is on the horizon for your area.

Perfect, thank you Ralph
4 years ago
So this will be my first release season with the bees; last year I purchased my cocoons online (maybe April?) and set them out with the houses I built. At the end of the season I found that many new cocoons had been produced and I washed them, discarded the badies, and stored in my fridge in a stapled toilet paper tube.
Now it is coming close to the following spring, I have cleaned my boxes but am unsure when to put them out. I live on the Oregon coast and a few bushes and trees have begun blooming but I don't want my bees to be stranded without food if I out them out too early. Any advice would be welcome
4 years ago
I work outdoors and often need to pee (*child-sized bladder) I agree that is important to shake when you are done; get into it-pretend you out clubbing!
As far as the "devices" are concerned I have tried them and don't like them, after you are done you are relieved but standing in the woods with a pee-covered object in your hand. The likelihood of getting pee on yourself seems higher than necessary
4 years ago
I don’t know if I missed this but what is the breed of your friendly pigs?
4 years ago