Jim Cowger

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since Nov 06, 2020
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how do you keep worms alive in the wintertime in bathtubs.   I had a bathtub set up last year almost like you have just dripped into a bucket instead of a plumbed to a barrel which I like that idea   My worms froze overwinter though    I was thinking of taking them out of the tub overwinter and put into protein tubs in my shed for winter    I also thought about putting straw all around the bathtubs and trying to insulate   I dont wanna lose my worms again so was hoping you have done it successfully

Also how did you plumb in to the barrel
1 year ago
Howdy yall   I live about 40 mins north of Mt Vernon out by Omega   I try to learn alot and do alot.  I have cows rabbits chichens ducks turkeys  I hunt I fish   I am learning to blacksmith and I Have a small portable sawmill that I continue to try and learn to cut better with     I try to garden but suck at that and keep trying
1 year ago
can you buy just one and if so where   I have never read it and don't even know what in the book   This thread just come through the daily permies email

Anne Miller wrote:I usually drink cold lemon balm tea.   My favorite tea is yerba mate, though I have not tried pouring it over ice.  I see no reason it would not still be just as good over ice.

Now days almost all herbal tea can be purchased in tea bags to use in your ice tea brewer.

You have missed out on some great posts about herbal ice tea, here are a couple:

Hibiscus Tea


thank you very much I will look at those    They look good
2 years ago
I love ice tea in my tea maker  Take 5 bags of tea and put in mr tea let it brew add stevia then add water when done for a gallon of ice tea.    I have been starting to grow some herbs and was thinking I should learn to make my own ice tea but I see most people talk about making hot herbal teas     Does anybody have good herbal tea that is good as ice tea rather than hot    I would like one that I can put in my tea maker but sun tea would work as well
2 years ago
thank you  I have some elderberry on my property  I will give it a shot
Nothing special just wanting to start and learn how to do it  ultimately I want to get fruit trees, but gotta figure out how to get the scion wood to start them on.    Just wanting stuff to put in the garden orchard area that will give my family food.  Just looking on idea and what beginners have luck with
Good Morning yall    I am newer to gardening and I ordered some rooting powder   I want to try and propagate some plants  where to start    I wanted to pick yall brains and tell me the easiest things to start   I am in zone 6b in Illinois

I have a couple questions    How did your onions do in the wood chips  any problems or did they flourish   How old are the wood chips  and did you move the chips back till you hit dirt to put bulbs in or just bury into the wood chips.   I have been putting in an orchard and have wood chips between the trees and am trying to figure out what to plant between the trees in the wood chips  I love the idea of onions and garlic in the wood chips
My old ford tractor has hay bucket just for this  Its is basically a giant pitch fork that mounts where bucket is on tractor
3 years ago