John C Daley wrote:
- tax is the price of a civilised society.
Wait what? ~This~ is a civilized society? Oh man, did I ever land on the wrong rock!
Just kidding.... Or am I?
I think things took a wrong turn for everybody when housing ceased to be about... housing people... and became about money. My extraterrestrial outpost and permaculture pals in Trout Lake say it thusly: ‘if it isn’t good for everybody it isn’t good’.
My permie story is that I worked super duper hard to develop a permaculture urban farm on a landlord’s property only to have him take an unsolicited offer from a developer after 5 years and plow the whole thing under! Made three 1 million doll hair condos on the land I cared for! Took me nearly 4 years to stop being heartbroken and get on with it only to build a new set of gardens (also on a ~new~ landlord’s land) and now we are finding we must be moving along again, as this too shall be sold to the higher-than-us bidder, though this time hopefully we’ll launch to a place that we will ourselves own - with the help of our credit union mortgage. (Even a CU is not our friend really, I know, but I will pretend for now...)
So here I am 11 years later from that heartbreaking plow-under and many gardens built on this Earth and I always have to walk away. 🥺🌱😱
And for want of money, not of skill, not of passion, not of labor, not of heart. But munney.
So yeah, civilized society.
Honestly I have yet to see it.
I volunteered extensively at a cohousing community to learn permaculture and at the end of a 5 hr day in the garden they still charged me cash on the barrelhead (which I truly could not afford at the time!) if I wanted to share in the community meal I had helped to harvest for that night’s dinner. I mean I learned a LOT of technique, stuff I use on my own gardens now, well, my landlord’s gardens that I eat from I should say... but... in the end I soured on the cohousing/community ideal because, it really wasn’t the ethic that I had in mind, once I experienced it first hand.
Maybe my own land exists out there? Maybe gardening is ok as a solo sport? (I have long said and been convinced it wasn’t intended to be such but... I alone do the weeding and seeding and tilling around here! Family of four and only Ma has dirt under her fingernails!)
Maybe civilized society exists? I am not discounting the possibility. Optimism grows most plentifully in *my* gardens, perhaps my most bountiful yield in fact! But still I am still a seeker for that civilized bit. (Pardon my while I optimize my edge. 😉 Or is that edginess? Maybe I misunderstood that principle...)