Glen Brausky

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since Jan 27, 2021
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Recent posts by Glen Brausky

160 acres - semi remote  asking $100,000
160 acres- very remote  $50- 80,000
This person is f#*@ing crazy
I did what your talking about doing over 20 years ago. An old motor home , pickup and  $5k in pocket. Have had many properties and built a bunch of cabins around the state. Sell and move someplace else. Good way to see the state.
Get a pickup with camper. Always have a place to live and can check out the state on road system easier. Property taxes are high but there are places in state with none like where I live. Property prices are getting crazy up here just like everywhere but if you look a lot you can find a deal once in a while. Closer to towns and cities means higher prices and taxes.
Anchorage-30 minutes from Alaska.
You just need to do it or you will be in the planning stages for 20 years like most the people on this site.
3 years ago
Sounds like a money making skeem. If sold 10 for 35k = 3,500,000 $$$$$$$
3 years ago
What part of ID. used to live in Kalispell MT. Moved to AK when it started to GROW in the 90s
3 years ago
Been living in the bush Alaska last twenty years. Built many cabins around the state but not as fancy as yours. Very nice. Have 20 acres with a couple cabins in eastern interior. Great mountain views. Couldn't live anywhere but the mountains. Works in progress. Caretaking a fishing lodge in south west part of state now. Love the sound of moose grunts in the fall. Called three bulls right to the cabin last fall.
3 years ago
Used to live in Flathead area. Was growing to fast during the "90s". Been in Alaska last 20 years in the bush. Now 60 miles from nearest road or town.      
4 years ago
Been  living in the bush for last twenty years in Alaska. Been think it's time for something new. Have 20 acres and a couple cabins in eastern Alaska but am in SW part of state for winter.  Have built cabins and lived all over state. Me- 59yrs-6'3--240 lbs decent shape. If interested in talking  Glen------
4 years ago
Been off grid in the bush most of last 20 years in Alaska. Now - 60 miles north of nearest town or road. Have 20 acres and a couple cabins in eastern part of state. Built cabins and lived all over this state. Just wanted  to say I think what you're doing is great. You are a doer not a talker. Alaska has a lot of big talkers that don't do. I'm 59 - 6'3 -about 240 lbs. Trap, hunt, fish can pretty much do it all in the woods. Been thinking of moving on from Alaska. See some new country. If interested or just want to compare lifestyles- glen     P.S. Good  snow machine---- Ski-Doo's are the best
4 years ago