Matt Kelly

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since Jan 30, 2021
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Very cool spot. I’m from Maine and headed to the southwest. I have a toy hauler “off grid” ready . I’ve been dying to get back after I visited Arizona . Are the building codes laxed in your area ? I’ve wanted to build a cob/earthship but getting permitted can be a challenge in some areas.
Hope to hear from you
4 years ago
Hello, Doesn’t look like you have posted in awhile so you may not be checking this anymore. I’ve been thinking west Texas and other areas in the southwest is a great place to start also. Earth bag , cob and or earthship is my dream to build . I’m currently building a toy hauler and retrofitting it for off grid journey . I’m in Maine currently”grew up here” I’m ready for the simple life and hard work in building a community or joining one . I’m going to head out and see where the land takes me.
Hope to hear from you soon
4 years ago