Kathleen Hirl

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since Feb 23, 2021
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It takes 15 years to grow a pine (the  fastest burning wood) to cutting stage.
You can expect aproximately 10-12 cords of a 15 ft tree.

How many cords of wood do you need to heat your living winter area for one week.

Oak trees burn longer than pine.
And take about 20 years to cutting stage and you can expect to get approximately 17- 25 cords of a 17 ft oak tree.

Again, how many cords of oak do you need to heat your living winter area for one week.

Then consider your topical view or number of trees you already have that may be anywhere from 25-100 years old.

Guaranteed. You may not cut down trees indiscriminately.

There are more aspects to consider.
Stump removal so you can plant new. (Who wants a field of stumps?)
Land erosion.
And loss of the rain forest effect that enhances better weather.

Undergrowth for small animals to burrow down and food for the carnivorous wild animals in the forests and vegetation if the trees are not too close together (wild berries, wild herbs, etc.).

2 years ago
Have you ever heard of eatable panties. Then you can use the bioproduct in your garden.
2 years ago
I will take time to read your post in a minute but I hear that we are to recycle and repurpose plastic containers.
In fact I hear that cities around the country we might be trying a Garbage conveyor schute from places only use smaller dumpsters so that workers can sort the different waste materials. Instead of dumping it all at the landfill.

Also, the U.S.A. is supposed to start up in vacant stripmall stores a place called "the repurpose stores" for any containers that are appealing to use at home after the product is gone from the containers and recycle a collection of tissue paper and paper towel tubes that get sent back to the paper factory for replacement paper.
possibly near every Walmart.

3 years ago