I am not an experienced herbalist, but have been deeply suffering from grief over the death of my nearest and dearest.
Looking online (over two years after, btw), for nervines, I decided to try wood betony, just bought online.
I've been fermenting with water kefir, sugar, and fruit juices, and long ago, SOMEwhere, I'd read that fermenting herbs brings out their qualities more strongly (mebbe it was "Dom," an Aussie now deceased, but deep into the uses of KEFIR. In fact, he had a phrase he called "kefir d'medica" (IIRC), about using kefir to ferment herbs.)
Anyhoo, I used water kefir to ferment wood betony. Into a fizzy fruit juice drink. You keep a 1st ferment of water kefir going by using the fermented sugar water liquid and replacing it every 3 or 4 days onto your water kefir "crystals" with sterilized-by-boiling sugar water. Very simple.
Basic recipe for 2nd ferment water kefir with wood betony (made one 33-oz swingtop bottle of infused water kefir, btw):
7 gojifruit, 2 tbsp. wood betony (cut and sifted), 1" chunk of ginger chopped, about 6 oz. fruit juice (in this case, Tropicana Fruit Punch). Allow to sit and Ferment about 4 days. (I use the green quart lemon juice bottles made of PETE, because they're strong and less likely to explode. But you need to "burp" the bottle by CAREFULLY opening the lid a half twist and allowing gas to escape a couple times a day).
After 2nd fermention, strain out the liquid into a 33-oz swingtop bottle, I added more fruit juice (a bit more sugar to gently continue ferment to get a nice FIZZ), (in this case, Ocean Spray Cranberry Concord 100% juice), (ALWAYS leave about 3" of AIRSPACE at the top of the bottle, this is a living fermention and pressure builds up!) after another day sitting at 79 degrees F in the glass swingtop bottle, (temp here in summer), refrigerate ... after it's cold, ... DRINK!
IT WORKS. For grieving sadness, (tho' in my case, after 2 years). Calming!!! I'd say ... "normalizing."
So I thought I'd mention it. It also tastes pretty good, being mostly a fizzy fruit juice drink.