Ash Kudra

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since Apr 11, 2021
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Recent posts by Ash Kudra

This is the first year I was able to harvest my asparagus planted with strawberry so with my tiny bit of experience I suggest to not worry about it.
The strawberry asparagus guild I have is in a very shady area on the east side is a heavily wooded area and on the west is the house. Both the asparagus and strawberry are producing quite well for the conditions and only planted 2 years ago. The strawberry in thig guild is the first strawberry to put on fruit out of all the strawberry in my lawn all planted at the same time from the same mother plant.
Worry not! They will grow.
3 years ago
I like to keep my recipes in a flex notebook. Its like a binder but not as bulky, you can add pages as needed in whatever order and it comes with tabs to divide sections with little pockets in them. Perfect for putting in small cards or newspaper clippings of recipes. I think Mead makes them they are about 9$ each at our local walmart and available in many colors.
3 years ago
This is the first time I've ever backed anything and this feels so worth it!

You know what they say, the best time to kickstart something was 12 years ago, the second best time is now.
3 years ago
I use my old shingles to stop weed growth in my driveway near the mail box. There is a lot of overgrowth there from the ditch the mailman was very happy when I cut it all out and put the shingles down.
3 years ago