Torsten Schmidt wrote:
Chuck Reeves wrote:I too wanted the bundle but if recreating a Slay Pal account is the only way then count me out!!
I'm taking this as a sign that I shouldn't spend the money anyway...
I also would like to buy it but why don't you provide a simple credit card pay to go option w/out creating a PP account?
I'll also not be re-creating a Paypal account out of (hopefully obvious reasons).
Please add an option for a plain cc buy of the bundle.
My experience:
I used a cc to buy this, it did send me to pay pal, but there is a button at the bottom that says cc.
I didn't log into my PayPal, not did I receive any invoice. I just clicked the button that says cc and skipped the log in / create acct.
Hope this helps.
paul wheaton wrote:I announced this on the monthlyish ...