Kathy Woods

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since May 07, 2021
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Recent posts by Kathy Woods

  ~This sounds like a good way to utilize the dead wood i have in my forest?~Ive been looking at different greenhouse designs~It doesnt get severely cold here, usually the 30s, occassionally the teens~Id love to see a video on this, too?~
1 year ago
  ~I wanted to reply to each of you, but maybe im just not computer savvy enough to know how~I do get frequent permies emails, tho, and maybe it is just a sign in thing, but it is often a different process each time~Im on a phone, too, not a computer~
  ~I dont understand why if more than maybe a month goes by, i have to re-register?!?~It makes it an unnecessary hassle~Id come here much more often if it were easier~
  ~The past few years the birds have eaten my freshly planted seeds, so i was thinking of growing starters in a protected area, but watering the area to be planted, so i can kill the weeds that will grow there BEFORE i put my starters in?~
  ~Is this method only for dog poop, or will cat poop work with it, too?~
2 years ago
  ~Thank you, Bryant Redhawk!~I finally found a woodchipper rental near me & some help with getting it here & running it, so im really excited to clear as much dead wood around my place as i can & chip it up for my new garden area!~Id put straw down until i could find a chipper & sifted some top soil from my woods, too, which has made a huge difference this year in the weeding, watering & survival of the veggies i planted~Having tilled last year turned it into a jungle of everything except what id planted...ha ha~Thanks again!~
2 years ago
  ~Im sorry if somewhere in one of these threads is the answer to my question already, but if you have old, dead wood, to turn into wood chips, are the best nutrients already gone, from the earlier breaking down process, or is it the same nutrients at the end, as at the beginning?~I hope that makes sense?~
2 years ago
  ~Im sorry, its probably just me, cuz im very low-tech~
  ~This site keeps kicking me off, and i have to go through signing up again~
......never mind, i see an ad on the link provided~(Sorry for the confusion)~
3 years ago