Shane Evans

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since Jun 20, 2021
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Recent posts by Shane Evans

I may have posted a previous BB incorrect and should have posted it here. Please refer to link below for this BB. (Can I move it? Or can one project be counted for 2 BB?)
3 years ago
Seem to have done this when doing the driveway for my home. We added a large turn around that doubles as a parking lot. Used ledge stone. Sloped slightly to allow drainage to the field/hill

Minimum Requirements:
 - facilitate parking for at least 3 big pickup trucks
 - ability to turn around
 - slight slope for drainage
 - must be an earth, dirt, gravel, sand, mulch, or other natural material parking lot
 - no cement, asphalt, or other toxic gick allowe
3 years ago

Building an almost “passive” greenhouse.  Had to add footings, dig huge trench which was a pond for weeks after “mid season” in VT, set sono tubes and concrete, and graded

“equipment and materials at the build site
 - partway through the building the flat, slope, uphill side drainage ditch, and other earthworks
 - completed earthworks to prepare a site for building a structure”
3 years ago