This is a badge bit (
BB) that is part of the
PEP curriculum. Completing this BB is part of getting the
straw badge in
Here is an example of building a drainage
swale on a driveway. Swales or ditches on driveways are one of many features of a driveway that may need to be improved or maintained over time.
From the
video description:
"Using a 1993 Ford 1520
tractor to dig a drainage swale on the side of a driveway to correct a drainage issue."
To get certified for this BB, post pictures or a video (2 minutes or shorter) that demonstrate the following:
- road maintenance
- eliminating potholes/puddles
- eliminate washboards
- restore crown if needed
- eliminate ruts
- make side ditches bigger if needed
- add drain points if needed
- at least 100 feet
- seeds near road