After years of hesitation, we finally decided to get some chickens. Since I didn’t want a stationary chicken coop and free ranging chickens are out of questions due to predators, I decided on a chicken tractor, which seems to best meet our needs: pest control and soil improvement.
It’s not that I’m stingy, but I hate having to drive to the next village to buy all kinds of materials. Some of the neighbouring farms look like junk yards because of all the discarded materials and equipment. I therefore try to use existing material whenever possible:
- Bamboo poles from our bamboo groves as frame
- Water tubes as hoops
- A role of wire fencing I had laying for a dog kennel I didn’t build
- Fruit crates discarded by the supermarket as laying boxes
- Sheeting as roofing and other materials
The only materials I had to buy were a couple of wheels and some screws.
The wires of the fencing were rather thick, which made work difficult but provided strength to the structure. Next time, I’ll just use ordinary chicken wire and rely on the structure to provide strength. I twisted the wire ends to join adjacent panels, which provided a lot of strength, but was very time consuming. Since I feared that the wires would start to oxidize at the places where the galvanized surface was damaged due to the twisting I decided to paint the wires, which I will never do again because it was very time consuming.
The idea was to build a chicken tractor as big as possible and as light as possible. I ended up with about 90 square feet. I planned to start with about 9 chickens and therefore decided to build 3 elevated laying nests and a number of perches. As it turned out, we got 4 chickens from a neighbour and one laying nest would have been more than enough. They all like to squeeze into the same nest, sometimes at the same time.
The 4 chickens need about 3 to 4 days to thoroughly work a plot, after which I move the tractor to another site. I guess I could get 4 more chickens without the risk of overcrowding, but we can’t eat more than 4 eggs a day anyways. The laying boxes can be accessed from the outside to retrieve the eggs. On the other side I have an opening for changing water, etc, where I can crawl in if necessary. I decided to build a low chicken tractor because it has to fit under the branches of our fruit trees. Hopefully, the chicken will decimate the fruit flies by eating their larvae.
The wheels can be easy attached for moving the tractor. I use some wire fencing all around the tractor to prevent predators from tunnelling in. The predator protection can be folded up for when I have to move the tractor.
I hope that the picture show the chicken tractor better than I can explain it.