Jens Reinhardt

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since Sep 18, 2021
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Run a small farm.
Cat's and cattles.
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East-Germany, County: Middle Saxony
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Hallo Er,
In germany pigs have with 12 months first time piglets. And after that every 5 months once more.
In frosty -40 you will have one time per year little pigs.
The old sow (200kg/450pound) need 3 kg grain/day. This are 1100kg/2400 pound/year.
You can produce 1 kg pig with 3 kg grain or 365 kg / 800 pound slaughterpig from the same amount of feed, who the old sow need.
This feed is enough to grow every year a new sow for piglets and 2 pigs for slaughter.(plus slaughter the last year sow)
It is more meat and more profit as you feed the old sow year round. Without extra feed.
(feed requirements are guidelines, not a law)
2 years ago
You can eat the eggs, sell the eggs or give away the eggs.
But no destroy the eggs. It is food. In germany: Lebensmittel --> means to living
Or build a fence and have 2 business.
A vegan farm and a animal shelter for old hens. Then you can do, what you want.
But not animals on a vegan farm. Then it isnt vegan. Only standard farm.
2 years ago
Hey! This is a joke. Nowhere in the world is a vegan farm, who produce eggs.
A vegan never use a animal product. No Power from the horse, no manure from pig, no milk from cow, no wool from sheep, no leather for shoes, no feather for a pillow or decoration and never kill a animal. No meat, no milk, no honey.

You can sell the eggs or eat it yourself. Then you have the other day the manure for your compost.
But if you feed the eggs to the chickens is it inhuman and decadent.
You let eat the parents her childrens?

Vegan is a prosperity problem.

Take the eggs and make a donation to a charity.
Or open the chickenhouse and let they roam. And leave the eggs where they are.
Vegan? No thanks!
2 years ago
There are many rules in Germany. But which where it?
If you buy a house + land you must pay the "land-buy-tax" with 3 to 6%. (Wich state it is)
Then you register by the local administration. Then you became a letter from the powerstation and from the waterprovider.
Energie is a can, water and waste water is a must have. You can have a constructet wetland (plants make clean water)
Garbage disposal.
You must have a housenumber on the house (or on the Front to the street)
And a mailbox.
More not. You can make camping or sleep in a Circus tent, yourt, carport, in the potato-cellar, in the hay by the horse in the barn or under a bridge. Nobody cames to force you to sleep in the bed in the house. Because you have a house with a number.
In a village you can build new houses, stables, sheeds big enough for a permi.
If you buy Land in germany, be sure to be in a area with much plowland. In a area with much medows or woodland it is mostly to wet, to dry or to cold for gardening.
Agricultural ground have points from 8 (bad) to 100(the best).
For gardening you need 20 to 30. To 50 is better and over 50 cost it to much money.
There are much villages with houses or farms to sale. The people are moved to the jobs.
Ideal for people, who lives independent.
(All another is same as renting a apartment.)
The pigs eat, what they need. Clover have protein.
You need more clover on your pasture or you fertilize the grass with N-fertilizer.
You can also mow the pasture. Young, green grass have lower fibre and more protein.
Your pigs love it.
2 years ago
You dont need a special lard pig. Take a Berkshire and feed them longer.
A young animal produce meat. A older animal more fat.
Feed the pigs 4 months longer, than you earn more fat. Give them later more energie (corn or barley) and lower protein.
And take out the wildboar. It's eliminate your success.
2 years ago
You have a backhoe.
On my backhoe i have a two shell grapple. It is original a fork with a kit to shovel.
Or you use a frontloader-manure- fork on the heck of the kubota. It works better than a grapple bucket.
2 years ago
Mow it.
Bale it.
Sale it.
If it is dry, it is hay.
(In many years we are happy to have 4 sunny dry days on a piece to make hay in the summer.)
3 years ago
Dexter are a small breed. You can trip over it. 😉 😊 Jersey are a bit better.
But: Why not milking Simmental???
You have enough space and fodder. The cow give you as much milk as you need (for you and your family, no matter how many) AND her own calf.
After a year you can slaughter a 1000 pound living wight yearling (or more, if you slaugther it later).
Good steaks.
3 years ago