Greetings fellow permies:
In this podcast,
Susan Poizner of Orchard People interviews Linda Chalker-Scott, Professor of Horticulture at Washington State University, about wood chips for fruit trees.
Also joining the conversation is Bryan Kappa from ChipDrop.
If you are looking for wood chips (and/or logs), consider signing up on ChipDrop and spread the word far and wide.
Whether you are an arborist or gardener, the idea behind ChipDrop is to see "wastes become resources."
While local arborists are not registered on ChipDrop, the local utility company subcontracts tree removal to arborists that happen to be registered, especially after storms, and that is how I have received a handful of deliveries in the past couple of years.
The conversation is available to watch, read, and/or listen - enjoy!
WATCH on YouTube
00:00 Introduction to the Benefits of Wood Mulch for Fruit Trees
00:37 The Potential Risks of Using Diseased Wood Mulch
01:01 About Linda Chalker Scott
02:07 Understanding Different Types of Wood Mulch
02:53 Mulch from Garden Stores
04:51 Listener Questions: Is Sawdust a Good Mulch?
05:44 Is Colored Mulch Bad?
06:20 Is Mulch Chemically Treated with Pesticides?
07:21 Deep Dive into Arborist Wood Chips
10:45 Leaf Mulch vs Wood Mulch
12:29 Straw, Pine Shavings and Chicken Manure as Mulch
13:53 Do You Need to Add Fertilizer to Mulch?
15:12 Disease Transmission Through Mulch
22:06 Should You Mulch Other Types of Trees and Plants with Wood Mulch?
23:13 Willow and Aspen Mulch and Fruit Trees
25:15 Live Q&A: Anthrancnose and Wood Chips
26:15 Fallen Leaves around Trees and Containers
28:02 Should You Use Wood Chips from Ailanthus and Invasive Trees ?
29:36 Commercial Break and Upcoming Guest Teaser
33:33 Deep Dive into Arborist Wood Chips for Mulching
34:12 Listener Questions: From B ooks to Mulching Practices
36:20 Should You Layer Leaf Compost with Wood Chips?
37:42 Vertical Mulching and Loamy Soil
38:54 Protecting Your Fruit Tree from Insect Pests
41:55 Extra Irrigation and Wood Mulch
43:13 Introducing ChipDrop: A Solution for Wood Chip Needs
51:20 Linda's Hints for Using ChipDrop
53:09 Making Wood Mulch from Fire Wood
54:25 Hugelkultur and Burying Logs and Sticks ***Heads-up; this section may raise eyebrows***
55:46 Wrapping Up: Final Thoughts and Resources
READ TRANSCRIPT (linked to the Orchard People website, the host of this podcast)
Orchard People | Transcript: Best Wood Chips for Fruit Trees with Linda Chalker-Scott
READ ARTICLE (linked to the Orchard People website, the host of this podcast)
The Best Wood Chips for Fruit Trees: Is Arborist Mulch Safe?
DOWNLOAD and LISTEN (linked to the Orchard People website, the host of this podcast)
*Click on the "Download MP3" right under the header
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A collection of podcasts
More from Linda Chalker-Scott
Linda is the award-winning author of six books including
How Plants Work: The Science Behind the Amazing Things Plants Do (Science for Gardeners).
She also is one of the Garden Professors, a group of academic colleagues who educate through their blog and Facebook pages.
Also check out her WSU page about horticultural myths!
More from ChipDrop
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