akira hirose

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since Mar 06, 2022
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Admittedly a beginner and curiously devouring the endless content of this wonderful forum.

THANK YOU to all the members who share their endless experience, knowledge, products, and/or services!
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Zone 5b / Indiana
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Recent posts by akira hirose

Thank you to Paul, Liv, and everyone behind the scenes for your time and energy poured into this event!

Not sure if others may be thinking to ask... I'll stick my introverted neck out and shamelessly inquire:
Will this smack down become available for viewing at a later time, by chance?

I purchased some pie in support of the empire, regardless
Again, thank y'all for all that you are and do!!!
Welcome to the forums, Matt!

All great advice/input from the much more experienced permies above, and humbly adding some of mine based on continually learning from my rookie mistakes

To reiterate some:
-PLEASE double check any utility lines before digging
-Observe and interact (this will be dynamic as you continue to establish different plants obviously)
-Scale of permanence
***IF you're considering removing "dead" large trees, many times it is better earlier than later (i.e. removing trees may be much more difficult once your landscape is more established)
***Will you be capturing water
***What will your access path(s) look like (e.g. especially adjacent to the home, driveway, etc. once plants are established)
-Fully-established size, disease resistance, and pollination requirements

Imagining what your space can look like, here's one of many examples that may be of inspiration:
Andrew Millison - How I Turned My Yard Into a Food Paradise

If attempting to maximize growing space with fruit trees, here's an article that may provide (hopefully not analysis-paralysis though!) some food for thought.
I am currently experimenting with a couple of chestnut trees with the "high density" planting.

To quote the author, however, as something to keep in mind: "The more you want to control the growth of your garden, the more effort it will take to maintain it“

Deep Green Permaculture - Backyard Orchard Culture

Deep Green Permaculture - How to Plant Two or More Trees in the Same Hole for High Density Tree Planting

A couple of additional options may be to look into "espalier" training and/or columnar apples, or consider cane / vining fruit to take advantage of the fencing that you plan to install.

I used to take the approach of "plant and forget."
There is certainly beauty in and a place for that, and I still practice that in many areas of our tiny property.

In my case, the lawn was already established.
Part of my selfish goals as a human steward in regenerating soil biology and "cultivated space," if I am going to be in relationship with the fruit trees for decades (in this case), is to attempt to tap into their genetic potential (i.e. yield and flavor), which is why I took some courses that teach the fundamentals of fruit tree care.

From that standpoint, here's one that I would recommend (imgine that you can purchase the years/experience/knowledge for the price of 1 or 2 trees):
Growing Fruit Trees with Ease: Fruit Tree Fundamentals E-course

If you can afford a bit extra, this package may be another option since it includes the above-mentioned course and SO MANY additional resources!
2023 Permaculture Adventure Bundle

Finally, if you're looking for woodchips (for mulch, walkway, etc.), ChipDrop may be worth considering.
I recently posted a podcast that talks about this if you'd like to take a peek:
Best Wood Chips for Fruit Trees with Linda Chalker-Scott

Good luck and keep growing!
1 week ago
Greetings fellow permies:

In this podcast, Susan Poizner of Orchard People interviews Linda Chalker-Scott, Professor of Horticulture at Washington State University, about wood chips for fruit trees.

Also joining the conversation is Bryan Kappa from ChipDrop.
If you are looking for wood chips (and/or logs), consider signing up on ChipDrop and spread the word far and wide.
Whether you are an arborist or gardener, the idea behind ChipDrop is to see "wastes become resources."

While local arborists are not registered on ChipDrop, the local utility company subcontracts tree removal to arborists that happen to be registered, especially after storms, and that is how I have received a handful of deliveries in the past couple of years.

The conversation is available to watch, read, and/or listen - enjoy!

WATCH on YouTube

00:00 Introduction to the Benefits of Wood Mulch for Fruit Trees
00:37 The Potential Risks of Using Diseased Wood Mulch
01:01 About Linda Chalker Scott
02:07 Understanding Different Types of Wood Mulch
02:53 Mulch from Garden Stores
04:51 Listener Questions: Is Sawdust a Good Mulch?
05:44 Is Colored Mulch Bad?
06:20 Is Mulch Chemically Treated with Pesticides?
07:21 Deep Dive into Arborist Wood Chips
10:45 Leaf Mulch vs Wood Mulch
12:29 Straw, Pine Shavings and Chicken Manure as Mulch
13:53 Do You Need to Add Fertilizer to Mulch?
15:12 Disease Transmission Through Mulch
22:06 Should You Mulch Other Types of Trees and Plants with Wood Mulch?
23:13 Willow and Aspen Mulch and Fruit Trees
25:15 Live Q&A: Anthrancnose and Wood Chips
26:15 Fallen Leaves around Trees and Containers
28:02 Should You Use Wood Chips from Ailanthus and Invasive Trees ?
29:36 Commercial Break and Upcoming Guest Teaser
33:33 Deep Dive into Arborist Wood Chips for Mulching
34:12 Listener Questions: From B ooks to Mulching Practices
36:20 Should You Layer Leaf Compost with Wood Chips?
37:42 Vertical Mulching and Loamy Soil
38:54 Protecting Your Fruit Tree from Insect Pests
41:55 Extra Irrigation and Wood Mulch
43:13 Introducing ChipDrop: A Solution for Wood Chip Needs
51:20 Linda's Hints for Using ChipDrop
53:09 Making Wood Mulch from Fire Wood
54:25 Hugelkultur and Burying Logs and Sticks ***Heads-up; this section may raise eyebrows***
55:46 Wrapping Up: Final Thoughts and Resources

READ TRANSCRIPT (linked to the Orchard People website, the host of this podcast)
Orchard People | Transcript: Best Wood Chips for Fruit Trees with Linda Chalker-Scott

READ ARTICLE (linked to the Orchard People website, the host of this podcast)
The Best Wood Chips for Fruit Trees: Is Arborist Mulch Safe?

DOWNLOAD and LISTEN (linked to the Orchard People website, the host of this podcast)
*Click on the "Download MP3" right under the header


More from Orchard People
Course: Growing Fruit Trees with Ease (was also featured in the 2023 Permaculture Adventure Bundle!)

Podcast discussing hugelkultur (with Paul!)

A collection of podcasts

More from Linda Chalker-Scott
Linda is the award-winning author of six books including How Plants Work: The Science Behind the Amazing Things Plants Do (Science for Gardeners).

She also is one of the Garden Professors, a group of academic colleagues who educate through their blog and Facebook pages.

Also check out her WSU page about horticultural myths!

More from ChipDrop
Main Page

Expectations of service

FAQ section
1 week ago
Greetings fellow permies:

In this podcast, Susan Poizner of Orchard People interviews Nigel Palmer, author of The Regenerative Grower's Guide to Garden Amendments.
Nigel explains how to use locally sourced materials to make mineral and biological amendments that will improve fruit tree health and productivity.

The recording is available to watch, read, and/or listen... enjoy!

WATCH on YouTube

CHAPTERS (courtesty of YouTube)
00:00 Introduction
01:10 What is regenerative agriculture?
03:27 How do holistic sprays and regenerative amendments improve fruit tree health?
05:50 How spraying fruit trees with hoistic and DIY regenerative sprays will help soil biology
07:31 When to use holistic and regenerative sprays throughout the growing season
09:57 What are vinegar extractions?
11:40 Where Nigel teaches and his website
12:50 Steps to creating a vinegar extraction to use in a holistic or regenerative spray
15:56 The role of root exudates in feeding soil biology
18:35 What is an amendment analysis?
21:43 Making garden and fruit tree amendments from beef bones
24:09 Steps to using your DIY garden amendments on your plants
27:50 Commercial break
28:33 Can you use regenerative fruit tree sprays on bark as well as leaves?
32:37 How to turn fallen fruit into a regenerative fruit tree spray
35:30 Regenerative sprays and frost protection
37:52 Regenerative Fruit Tree Spray Schedule
46:40 Using regenerative amendments in drip irrigation
47:39 Can too much regenerative fruit tree spray hurt trees and plants?
48:24 Contest

READ TRANSCRIPT (linked to the Orchard People website, the host of this podcast)
Orchard People | Transcript: Regenerative Fruit Tree Sprays with Nigel Palmer

DOWNLOAD and LISTEN (linked to the Orchard People website, the host of this podcast)
*Click on the 'Download MP3' right under the header


More from Orchard People
Course: Growing Fruit Trees with Ease (was also featured in the 2023 Permaculture Adventure Bundle!)

Podcast discussing hugelkultur (with Paul!)

A collection of podcasts (111 episodes to date)

More from Nigel Palmer
Learn more about Nigel, his online course offerings and his work here

Nigel speaks about the various amendments in the podcast and shares the respective analyses here
1 week ago
Have you ever purchased an apple tree, based on the wonderful description of the fruit-to-come on the tag/website, and poured time, energy, and love into it?
And several years later found that it is struggling due to a disease?

What novice I recently learned is that apples are typically grafted onto rootstocks.
Very oversimplified, these rootstocks will then essentially determine the foundational characteristics (hardiness, size, disease/pest resistance, etc.).

There is a post on the North American Fruit Explorers (NAFEX) group on Facebook and it appears that the following experts have the top recommendations in terms of disease resistant apples.
Would you agree, or would you happen to know of other(s) whom would be knowledgeable?

Larry Stephenson
Mike Biltonen
Cummins family of Cummins Nursery
Eliza Greenman
Jules Janick
Amy Christel Miller
Guy King Ames
Gennaro Fazio
Joseph Lofthouse
Michael McConkey
Dan Bussey
David Vernon
Doug Crouch

Lastly, what would you happen to know about the Marssonina Leaf Spot?
Any recommended expert who is versed on this topic?
4 weeks ago
What a great and much needed and appreciated topic.
Thank you for posting this, Joylynn!

Great recommendations from everyone.

One place I found recently:
Bens Appliances and Junk

They focus on appliances and, when/where certain parts are known to be problematic even from OEM, they have released replacement parts to "upgrade" for the goal of better performance and/or reliability.
The caveat of the "upgrade" is, of course, the actual long term track record, which only time will tell.
4 weeks ago
I admittedly posted the opportunity to join live, a bit late.
My apologies as I had meant to post the prior night but was under the weather.

Anyway, the recording is now available to watch, read, and/or listen!

Watch on YouTube

CHAPTERS (courtesty of YouTube)
00:00 Journey to Texas: A Surprising Landscape
00:52 Introducing Bill Wilson: Permaculture Expert
01:00 Permaculture Principles: Water Management
03:20 Online Permaculture Courses: A New Era
06:35 Rain Gardens vs. Berms and Swales
08:35 Small Space Solutions: Urban Permaculture
16:04 Aquaponics: Integrating Fish and Plants
22:11 Permaculture Tools: No-Till Farming
24:27 Permaculture Defined: Sustainable Living
25:42 Commercials
28:49 Orchard People Radio Show  Part 2 Introduction
29:01 Interview with Bill Wilson: How to Keep Water in the Soil
29:47 Grey Water Systems and Passive Irrigation
32:23 Permaculture Principles and Practices
35:49 Using Cover Crops and Plants to Make Soil More Absorbant
40:20 Soil Drenches and Compost Techniques
45:50 Final Thoughts and Reflections

TRANSCRIPT (linked to the Orchard People website, the host of this podcast)
Orchard People | Transcript: How to Keep Water in the Soil with Bill Wilson

DOWNLOAD (linked to the Orchard People website, the host of this podcast)
*Click on the 'Download MP3' right under the header


More from Orchard People
Course: Growing Fruit Trees with Ease (was also featured in the 2023 Permaculture Adventure Bundle!)

Podcast discussing hugelkultur (with Paul!)

A collection of podcasts (111 episodes to date)

More from Midwest Permaculture
This article also includes one of the sessions/videos of their PDC where Larry Korn talks about his association with Masanobu Fukuoka

They offer the first session/video as an introduction for free

This is to stay updated on Bill’s newest training 'Heart of Permaculture' (inner journey)
4 weeks ago
Greetings follow Permies,

If you are looking to wrap up 2024 with a permaculture-inspired conversation meets fruit tree care,
consider tuning in to a podcast this afternoon where Susan Poizner from Orchard People and Bill Wilson from Midwest Permaculture discuss:

-Passive watering
-Soil secrets
-The Heart of Permaculture (the inner journey)
-AND any questions from the audience if you join live!

1pm Eastern Time (EST/EDT)

Live Audio on RealityRadio101.com (audio only)
Live Video on Orchard People's YouTube Live Feed (and ask questions in the chat!)

Can't tune in live?
Catch the conversation after the show
Audio Podcast Download (linked to the Orchard People website)
Video Podcast Watch on YouTube (linked to the Orchard People channel on YouTube)

Meet Susan Poizner of Orchard People

Meet Bill Wilson of Midwest Permaculture
1 month ago
Thank you, Monica, for posting this podcast!
It was a delight to listen to.

For those who may be considering listening to this:
I thought it may be helpful to add the chapters and a link to the transcript, if you would like to quickly scan the topics and/or prefer to read vs. listen.
FYI - You can also download the podcast for listening at a later time (disconnected to the Internet).

CHAPTERS (courtesy of YouTube)
00:00 Introduction
01:16 What is Hugelkultur
01:44 Paul chanting "Hugelkultur!"
02:45 Benefits on Hugelkultur
04:51 How much room do you need to create a hugelkultur mound
05:24 How tall should a hugelkultur mound be?
09:11 Are swales good to include in colder climates?
16:56 Mushrooms and hugelkultur
18:32 History of hugelkultur
19:57 How hugelkultur mounds change in 3 years
22:17 Should you add wood chips to hugelkultur mounds
25:34 Best wood to use in hugelkultur
30:05 Can you transform an existing planting into a hugelkultur mound?
35:13 Do hugelkultur plantings sink down?
36:27 More about Paul and his permaculture background
42:17 Can you make an existing hugelkultur mound taller?
44:57 About forage gardening
48:24 Hugelkultur and raised beds on a small urban property

TRANSCRIPT (linked to the Orchard People website, the host of this podcast)
Orchard People | Transcript: Hugelkultur with Paul Wheaton

DOWNLOAD (linked to the Orchard People website, the host of this podcast)
Click on the “Download MP3” right under the header
1 month ago
'Quick Design' Charrette coming up tomorrow afternoon, December 8th @ 2:00pm CST!

2:00 | Design of 1/10 Acre Calgary, CA home
3:15 | Q&A Session
4:00 | Workshop – How Permaculture Education Changed The Way I Do Residential Landscaping

Quick Design Charrette general information page:

December session page:
1 month ago