D.A. Badger

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since Jun 22, 2022
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Recent posts by D.A. Badger

Thank you.  Very informative.
2 years ago
I'd love some nettle seed, if you still have some to give out.

Cl Robinson wrote:The round kumquats are good but the oblong ones are very sour and I do not care for them.  Satsumas grow well here.  They are a mandarin that is not too sweet or tart, very easy to peel, some are seedless, some not.  I also like a good blood orange but I have had a lot more yucky ones than good.  

The sour kumquats are great for making marmalade and jam, imo.
2 years ago

Natasha Tev wrote:Congratulations on the new book.  I'm on the lookout for a good resource for food forrest/ vegetable gardening for Perth, Western Australia.  Would you have any advice on how the zones compare.  I'm going to incorporated wicking beds into parts of the forest as I have hot sun in summer, large surrounding trees that take all and water in summer as well.  

Well you would be in zone 11a, I believe.  Florida ranges from zones 8 through 11.
Of course there are other climatic factors to consider.  This particular book would, in my opinion be very helpful.
I'm in zone 8b/9a, myself.  Not all the plants mentioned will grow in my area but the methods, by and large,
still apply.  Just insert appropriate species.  Overall, it's an excellent book.  There's nothing else quite like it.
2 years ago
Worm bin or storage as others have suggested.  Endless possibilities.
2 years ago

Anne Miller wrote:DA, welcome to the forum!

That is a great idea!

Thank you.  Happy to be here.
2 years ago

Denise Cares wrote:I found two old corn bread pans that smell rancid. What is the best way to renew them? I'd like to get the old thick, sticky layer of oil off and the smell.

I've always just built a fire and burnt it off.  Then wash, dry, and re-season immediately.
2 years ago
My wife ordered me a copy for fathers' day.
2 years ago