Indigo Baker

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since Jul 11, 2022
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Recent posts by Indigo Baker

Hi Mk Neal!

I'm not 100% sure on the species because I harvested from a garden bed I'm renovating at my school, but my guess is that it's just regular garden Parsley and not any kind of hybrid or cultivar.
1 year ago
Hi all!

I decided to make a parsley root soup today. Ive never had parsley root before and was curious. Parts of it were very hard to chop but I thought once I boiled it, itd become a lot softer.

The result was that some pieves did not become soft at all and had a bark-like texture, and that the soup was VERY bitter. I know it wasnt any other ingridients I added because I make soups with the other ingridients regularly.

A thought I have was that maybe I boiled the soup for too long, creating a bitter taste, and that the parts that were too hard to chop though with my basic kitchen knife, perhaps I should've left those out.

Has anyone here used parsley root successfully before? What did you make with it and what are your tricks?
1 year ago
A picture of the label I made, the container with label, and the spot I put the burnables container in our home (close to our balcons door)
2 years ago
For my first BB

Before, during, and after photos of sweeping!
2 years ago
Hello! I haven't read through all the replies so apologies if this is a repeat, Solomon's Seal tincture and cayenne tincture would work wonderfully!!

I broke my elbow last November and made a liniment containing St.John's Wort oil, Solomon's Seal tincture, and Cayenne tincture. I don't remember how I rationed it but I remember I deliberately made the linemen only 5% cayenne tincture as I find it very effective in low dosage.

The Solomon Seal root is very helpful for joint reformation, the St.John's Wort oil helped my body to absorb the liniment and ease some of my pain + put me into a relaxed state, and the cayenne tincture was very warming (which I eqate to comforting) and brought circulation to the area. I would apply it to my elbow 3-5 times a day and my elbow healed much quicker during the time I applied the liniment whereas before it seemed my elbow pain and range of motion wasn't improving at all.

Of course you can apply these herbs in different ways which work for you and they will still have great effects.
2 years ago
Hello everyone!

I am also from NS! I grew up in Halifax and have been living in the Valley for the past 3 or so years.

I hope more people will post here! I wanted to add that I also love Yonderhill Farm seeds! As well as "Seed and Scarecrow", "Whole Green Heart", and "Annapolis Seeds"!

I don't think it's currently running (because of covid if I remember) but there was a group of people teaching a PDC in North Mountain- called "North Mountain Permaculutre". Also, for other herby people, there is a festival every August in Greenman Botanicals Farm called "Medicine of the People". It's not permaculture focused, but many permaculture practitioners/lovers attend.

Hmm, what else.. I forget where it's located, but there's a farm in NS called "Mother Oak Permaculture", as well.
2 years ago
Hi everyone!

My name is Indigo. I live in Mi'kma'ki (aka Nova Scotia) with my amazing partner, Olive, and a few friends at the moment.

I am a part of the lgbtqia+ community and Autistic/Disabled community! I like to be referred by they/them pronouns, but don't mind too much if people who aren't a big part of my life forget! I know who I am, after all.

I've been studying Herbalism + making herbal medicine for about 6 years now. I grew up in a city and sadly didn't spend much time outside, but once I sat with, learned a bit about, and connected with plants, I never turned back. I also have been studying permaculture, soil science, ASL (American sign language), NVC (non-violent communication), and practicing textile art in my own time. This summer, too, I finally have access to be able to grow an in-ground garden!!! (Of course a lot of what Im growing are medicinal herbs).

My biggest dream is to share and steward Land with my partner and some of our like-minded friends/community. I feel deep in my bones the need to farm and practice ancestral, nature-connected ways of living. I dont think I can be fully happy until I immerse myself in full, holistic, permaculture relation with the Land.

Slowly (because a life of quality takes time), I've been learning skills and ways of living so that I can work towards my dream.

Feel free to say hi! I'd love to make some virtual friends.
2 years ago
Hello! 1st time poster! My friend introduced me to this a few days ago and I am very excited to begin. I've been reading through forums and writing down which badges I'd like to work for.

I hope this is ok- please tell me if not. I saw someone post suggestions for badges and I had some thoughts for the natural medicine PEP.

1 idea is a badge for creating a 1st aid kit with at least 6 (or another number) of natural preparations made by the poster.

I also thought that offering a herbal-related service could be a great iron badge. For example, clinical herbalism, a small-batch herbal care product business, herbal street medic, herbal mutual aid, etc.
2 years ago