L Pho

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since Sep 03, 2022
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Hello, I am a homesteader currently without a homestead, If you're still looking please contact me lefpfreedom@gmail.com
We are interested.  Single female w a 5 year old.  No dramas, we LOVE to homestead, so are you still looking???
HI!  I loved WA when I lived in Seattle then Sammamish.  I'm in a different state now so PM me if you still looking because I would love to share more, hear more and I would LOVE to be a caretaker...or even house-sitter.  I am skilled and knowledgeable, respect the land and esp others.  If you are still looking, I am ready  PM me anytime
2 years ago
Mexico???  To build a medicinal forest and just enjoy this life
2 years ago
Definitely saw these on travel channel.  In Asia I believe.  It's an acquired taste for sure.  It'sa a gourd and yes, if you dnt like the taste use the shell for anything......ornaments, art, whatever you can think of. Maybe making a smoothies with the flesh?  I have not tried them, just know it's an acquired taste.
2 years ago
Sounds like we should share more!    Best email is lefpfreedom@gmail.com
2 years ago