Brent Bowden

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since Oct 10, 2022
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Richmond, VA, USA Zone 7b
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Recent posts by Brent Bowden

I've been patrolling for Japanese Beetles, but I was happy to see this today!
1 year ago

Saana Jalimauchi wrote:Welcome to Permies, Rachel!

Thank you for bumping this thread up, it indeed was a wholesome read.

I joined Permies in the end of December last year.. I was soon amazed on how beautiful place this is. Such a wonderful community. I hope you have fun diving in!

I wonder if we have an update available for the situation.. Brent, did you ask the mushroom lady out on a date?

Sadly, no. There was a long gap and the next few times I went someone else was working at the stand. Thanks for asking!
That feeling when you tell someone at the worky job that you are putting chinampas around your pond and the response is, "yay! fun! "

Also Tulips!
1 year ago
Quiche counts as a pie right?
1 year ago

r ranson wrote:

Artie Scott wrote:Have never heard of Orvus paste - I assume that is a brand of soap, or is it a specific type to washing wool?

Orvus paste is really interesting.  I first stumbled on it (someone left it on the ground) at the Fall Fair.  They use it to wash lambs before showing because it's extremely gentle and biodegradable.  It's also excellent for getting rid of protein stains (like sweat and poo).

AND my garden loves it!

It's extremely economical.  I usually use about one to two teaspoons per fleece (I did more for the video because I was nervous of the camera).  I've had this jug for about 8 years and it's almost half empty.  

Can this orvus paste be used for finishing wash on yarn after spinning?
1 year ago
I needed to crochet a thing for a spinning class I am taking. I had never crocheted and my classmates were kind enough to help me out, but I wanted to try making the thing again (a wrist distaff) but I also didn't have a hook. So I made one!

Bamboo, multitool, lawn chair, and a little sanding.
1 year ago
I know a guy who uses cigar boxes for house plants. He says they are great because they control the moisture really well.
1 year ago
I listen to music or podcasts on a Bluetooth speaker while I am working. Otherwise I definitely self-talk, or get random annoying bits of songs on repeat in my head, both of which I find distracting
1 year ago
I did some pruning on my holly tree today. I'd like to use the cuttings in my next hügelkutur, but I am wondering if anyone has any experience with the leaves not breaking down well, or the plant trying to propagate itself?
1 year ago
If you were to make a loft bed in the nose of the trailer, a skylight could serve as a second exit, and with a rope ladder would be quite easy to get out of. Plus, storage under the bed loft. In fact, skylights may be useful for the rest of the building as well, to maintain structural integrity of the sidewalls and retain the discrete appearance of the outside. Looking for a trailer with a side door, as others have mentioned seems like a good idea. Who doesn't want a kitchen door?
1 year ago