Tim Sanchez

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since Jan 01, 2023
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Ha! It's tim.I live in the south west. Close to the Pecos River. I have a small farm. Fruit  trees berries and grapes. I have solar ,and try to live simple. I have been a Mennonite for many years. I would really like to find a help mate
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Hi my name is tim.. I have a small farm in the Pacos vally.,in the south west. I live simple.  I also have an add, you can look at if interested.........tim.              not really good at these things
Ha! It's Tim. It went through this time. I hope I find you well. I do need to learn how to use pm mail. I have a small farm in the Pecos valley.  I water out the Pecos River. I live in the south west,a little far from you. I'm  a Mennonite, love the lord much. I like to walk softly on the land. I like animals. I was horse and buggy for a short time.      Tim.  You can see bill the kid from my house. Also solar
Hi this is Tim.  I have tried this three time's. I will see if this works this time. I really like your profile. If you could look at mine. It would say all ,or if it will go threw.     Tim
Ha! My name is Tim. Just thought I would check
To see if your still out there.the add is old......tim.    walking soft apon the land
Ha! There lisa.nice name I live at ft. Sumner new, Mexico. In the valley there is 10,000 acres here, that is farmed.off the pacos River. I only have a small place. Would like to here. Not sure how to do it....tim
Ha! Thanks nice to here..yes time has cot up with me. To bad. I think your on the right track. But the thing is someone   my age  would not be able to keep up with me.i forgot to get old.you sound really neat. Plus your  your  beautiful. So I'm sure you will find someone good . Just be careful. God's speed be with you mary.......... tim
2 years ago
Hi . This is Tim again. Hope that All is well with you and your family. I would say pray but not sure how you would take it. At this time I'm  a Mennonite. I was horse and buggy for a time. I am Spanish. About 20 years older than you, work hard and love the lord. Before my life fell apart. I was off grid had five milk cows chickens horses goats. And  all we needed. To walk softly on the land. I  have a friend that I raised , he lives in Tennessee.  I have berries  grapes fruit trees. I have an acre and half of alfalfa. I think it be at least fun to talk to you Marry you sound real neat......tim
2 years ago
Not sure what you mean. There is a small town 13 miles. You can see Billy the kid from my house
2 years ago